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Big White

if you fell down yesterday, stand up today. - HG Wells

About Me

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Shit we should ALL strive to live by.
Each of us builds our own prison or our own palace.
Every conscious thought, every utterance of our lips, every interaction of ours with the world leaves its imprint upon an aura that surrounds each of us and stays with us wherever we go. All life, all blessing, all that is transmitted from Above must pass through that aura. Even if it be the greatest of blessings, the aura may distort it into ugly noise. Or it may resonate and amplify it even more.
An aura of beauty attracts beauty. An aura of love attracts love. An aura of life and joy attracts unbounded light.
Only you are the master of that aura. Only you have the permission and the power at any moment to transform your thoughts from the ugly to the beautiful, your words from bitter to sweet, your deeds from death to life.
And so too, your entire world.
"In our deepest moments of struggle, frustration, fear, and confusion, we are being called upon to reach in and touch our hearts. Then, we will know what to do, what to say, how to be.
Who we are is not what we do, the roles we play in life, the jobs we have, the titles we hold, the amount of money we make or the things we have.
None of these things lend any clues as to what is right in the deepest sense of the term.
Our physical means and materialistic nature will never determine what is right or wrong in an absolute sense.
What is right is always in our deepest heart of hearts.
It is from the deepest part of our hearts that we are capable of reaching out and touching another human being.
The danger, especially with our people, is that it is basically impossible to separate between physical needs and spiritual needs. The spiritual transforms into physicality and the physical rises to become spiritual in a perpetual chemistry of exchange.
Heal the soul and the body is renewed.
Heal the body and the soul is empowered.
Empower the soul, heal the body, and the heart comes into alignment with everything it encounters, and our struggles turn into our deepest source of joy because we persevere and triumph as a result of operating from the core of who we are, and not out of fear of losing what we temporarily have" ____________________________________________________________
"Some would like to be like the sun, aloof from this world. Whatever material matters they accomplish during their stay occur as if by chance, with no real involvement of their own.
Others become entirely wrapped up in all the fetters and chains of life. They suffer its scars and bruises, delight in its offerings, thirst for its rewards and tremble at its pain.
Those that are in alignment with the universe emulate the source of everything and no-thing. To them, every detail of life has meaning and purpose--every step is a decision, every move is deliberate. And yet, they remain above it all.
What is their secret? They remember they are not the body, but the soul."
"To the dull mind all nature is leaden. To the illumined mind the whole world burns and sparkles with light."
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters to what lies within us."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I am worth $2,345,668 on
All I really want to accomplish in this life is to overcome the individual adversity set before me and keep the ones i care for close to me and taken care of as much as I can assist. Ultimately being able to end up in a situation where I make my living comfortably doing what I love and enjoy, surrounded by the ones I love and enjoy.

dj's..... do it...... better.

My Interests

I enjoy a vast number of things... Music, Art, Writing, Reading, Learning, Teaching, Being with Friends, Spending time and glances with a special someone if i got a special someone to do that with, Going out, Dancing, whether it be a lounge with Housemusic or a big Club with good hip hop, Nature, Architecture, Visual Aesthetics, Rainy Days, Thunderstorms, Swimming, The Beach, Cooking, Movies, Strolls, Surprises, Conversations, Nights at home, and I'll admit I have a little bit of a flare for the Supernatural and things like Ghosts and Vampires and Energy.

I'd like to meet:

i wanna meet me 10 years from now just so i can see if everything worked out as planned.

American Cities That Best Fit You:
80% San Francisco
80% Chicago
50% Los Angeles
50% New York City
50% Philadelphia Which American Cities Best Fit You?

You Belong in London
You belong in London, but you belong in many cities... Hong Kong, San Francisco, Sidney. You fit in almost anywhere.
And London is diverse and international enough to satisfy many of your tastes. From curry to Shakespeare, London (almost) has it all! Dude! You're 100% from Massachusetts!

Dude! Me and Sully and Fitzie and Sean are gonna hit Landsdowne tonight after the game, hang out at the Beerworks. I'll pick you up at the Coop at 6.

How Massachusetts are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz


Funk Soul Goodness. (More Specifically: House Music, Acid Jazz, Classic Jazz, Downtempo, Blues, Funk, Hip Hop, Oldskool Hip Hop, New and True Hip Hop, Reggae, and Ragga. Artists I enjoy are: biggie, jadakiss, del, charlie tuna, gangstarr a very select few 50 songs, tribe, kweli, mos, blackalicious, people under the stairs, Common, Biz Markie, Eric B. and Rakim, Slick Rick, J Dilla (RIP) and Slum Village, Bill Withers, Herbie Hancock, Miles Davis, Coltrane, Charlie Parker, Billie Holiday, Louis Armstrong, DJ Shadow, Soulive, MMW, Marvin Gaye, Al Green, Curtis Mayfield, Bootsie Collins, George Clinton, James Brown, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix one of the best guitarists ever. John Scofield, Metro Area, St. Germain, J Boogie, and I'll add more as It comes.
saving the best for last: housemusic. lettttsss seee.... this'll probably go in order of frequency of good tracks and my fondness for them right now at the moment: 1200 Warriors, Sound Republic, Sound Navigators, Style of Eye, RTHM, Jason Hodges, chuck daniels, scott pace, joey youngman, troydon, inland knights, swirl people, lawnchair generals, ken from east coast boogiemen, mark farina, JT donaldson, The Littlemen, Rithma, and there's probably loads i'm forgetting i'll have to update. just to get an idea... any of those names if you look them up will be fun to listen to.

And lastly, anything with a beat that can make me show people that tall white guys can be coordinated also.) kinda like mr. T and Tyrone Biggums here.
The Best Myspace Survey - Taken 12/13/06
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: dope
Hair Color:: auburn
Height:: six foot five, ever need to find somebody in a crowd? i'm ya huckleberry.
Favorite Color:: blacks, greys, tans, blues, greens, love greens.
Screen Name:: docfunk128
Favorite Band:: george clinton and parliament funkadelic, or soulive.
Favorite Movie:: "Hey man, as far as I know, the motherfucker's tip-top."
Favorite Show:: those guys that bust myths
Your Car:: is in new york, my other car, is a truck, and its about to get used.
Your Hometown:: is dope in the summer, dead in the winter.
Your Present Town:: is really hard to obtain weed in.
Your Crushes First Name:: crushes are for kids.
Your Grade:: as of less than 24 hours from now i will be in grade 25. lol
Your Style:: is sweetly sour, the kind that will devour, your infatuation for more than just an hour. i cant help it. i wont help it.
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: and watched the sun go down, it's a lot of fun, you should try it.
Kissed someone in the rain?: i think i did once... i cant remember who i just remember the rain on my face and the feeling of pursed lips
Danced in a public place?: i've been known to cut a rug or two.
Smiled for no reason?: always a reason, whether it's concious or un.
Laughed so hard you cried?: yeah, that's the greatest.
Peed your pants after age 8?: you know when you go to the bathroom and you think it's all done and you put it back in your pants and all of a sudden whoop... nevermind. you know what i mean. lol
Written a song?: have you read the blogs?
Sang to someone for no reason?: oh baby you..... you got what i neeeed.... but you say he's just a friend, you say he's just a friend.
Performed on a stage?: numerous times. me and the spotlight, we go way back.
Talked to someone you don't know?: sure, gotta make life interesting when you can!
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: nah, not my style.
Made out in a theatre?: maybe a kiss or two but not full blown making out.
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: can i get a size 17, b-non?
Been in love?: always gotta have some love for something.
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: emily.
Tell you, I love you?: grannyparents, they're oh so lovey.
Kiss you?: iiii believe some girl in a bronco gave me a smacker on the cheek last.
Hug you?: grand mama
Tell you BYE?: sprint when they called asking if i wanna buy more shit. actually i said bye to them.. "hold on a second i want you to speak to my friend tone" *click*
Write you a note?: i dont get too many notes... any volunteers?
Take your photo?: hmmm... i believe at the red square.
Call your cell phone?: sprint. fuckers.
Buy you something?: hmmm... i dont really know.
Go with you to the movies?: grandparents.
Sing to you?: some girl... haha.
Write a poem about you?: i wish.
Text message you?: beck-er-roo
Touch you?: hmmmmm... do you mean "in that special way" ???
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: probably last night
Time you cried?: at arlington east, ask me if you dont know.
Movie you watched?: bad boys 2
Joke you told?: i dont know but it was a good one because that's how i do.
Song you've sang?: silly girl - murs & slug
Time you've looked at the clock?: 9:40 something AM
Drink you've had?: blueberry juice, it's got anti-oxidants and stuff.
Number you've dialed?: em-dog
Book you've read?: i'm reading a tony robbins joint right now, you know, self-improvement, yeah, dorky, i'm aware shithead.
Food you've eaten?: french toast
Flavor of gum chewed?: mint, who really cares?
Shoes you've worn?: my white nikes
Store you've been in?: i believe it was marshalls... i was returning this dope ecko hoodie cause it didn't fit :(
Thing you've said?: mmm... french toast.
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: nah but i got a mean jumpshot with the left.
Whistle?: not with my fingers in my mouth, you know that loud shit that makes you wanna slap whoever's doing it.
Blow a bubble?: who cant?
Roll your tounge in a circle?: these are some awfully weird questions.
Cross your eyes?: no i've been petrified ever since they told me it would stay that way.
Touch your tounge to your nose?: i can stick out my tongue and touch my nose if that's what you mean.
Dance?: absolutely.
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: you act like it's hard to do.
Speak a different language?: figurative language? all day baby.
Impersonate someone?: it's nothing to write home about.
Prank call people?: if they're friends but usually a text message talking shit does the trick.
Make a card pyramid?: if you cant make one you have no zen, good luck next life.
Cook anything?: i'm a regular george foreman.
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: chump i could talk myself to the top.
I wish ...: i were a fish?
So many people don't know that ...: they can be at one, peace intertwined with every existing thing on not only this planet but this existance, and rise above anything.
I am ...: the exquisite
My heart is ...: too big for it's own good.
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every movie wastes 2 hours of your life that you could have spent spinning records.
Seriously though, I enjoy Action, Horror, Suspense, Comedy, and anything with good computer rendering


Tv makes the brain sloooowww..
Mythbusters, Mencia, History Channel, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, Comedy Central, some of the shows on Spike, and the news (it's always nice to have a heads up on when nuclear holocaust is going to ensue)


anything contributing to knowledge and self improvement... specific, i know.


A Celebration of Sorts.

Myself, Mark Farina, House Music, Metro Area, People Under The Stairs, The Boston Red Sox, The New England Patriots, Tyson Guess and all the white boys of funk, Anyone who knows what Northern Cali and the Bay area is REALLY all about! Anyone who is a House Souldier. Peanuts, Almonds, and Cashews, Funny People, Bold People, Karma Vigilante's, & Those who are paid well for doing what they love.

My Blog

Luke Jonathan Interviewed on Milwaukee's Shepherd Express

Click It....
Posted by Big White on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 07:35:00 PST


me(11:52:07 PM)....timestamp-->: did you just send me a text? J(11:52:20 PM)....timestamp-->: yeah me(11:52:34 PM)....timestamp-->: cant see texts my screen is busted what did it say ...
Posted by Big White on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 09:01:00 PST

LFJ waits for no one.

"you tasted crime in the way you treated me, many would kill for your opportunity, repeatedly."  -myself
Posted by Big White on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 08:22:00 PST

Fancy Clown - Madvillainy

I knew you was fuckin' aroundPlaying all innocent and hoing since the foundationDon't make have to pound his tin crown face inAnd risk being jammed up like traffic inbound from space an,There's been a...
Posted by Big White on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 11:49:00 PST

The Legend of BloodNinja - This shit had me crying, so hysterical

basically this is some guy that fucked with girls online trying to get them to do cyber-sex or something... it may all be staged... or whatever, but regardless, the fucking shit he says... made me lau...
Posted by Big White on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 02:40:00 PST

new tattoo pic!

so i got my new tat started thanks to eric.  it's not finished, but it's a damn good foundation.peep it.haha you can totally tell i'm checkin it out, and flexxing my arm.goofball, much? ...
Posted by Big White on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 03:33:00 PST

albany || december 15th-22nd

Posted by Big White on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 10:47:00 PST

Red Royal

Beneath Red royal sheets his head boiledall that he had toiledshe left him with nothing but bed, soiledbad dreams the dreadstay true she saidwords bit back like rattlesnake, uncoiledto the breaking wa...
Posted by Big White on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 02:56:00 PST

like the swiss

keep myself on sold groundlike the swissstay cool when you come aroundlike the swissstay calm keep down the feudallike the swissmaintain the heart, neutrallike the swissdont allow myself to get caught...
Posted by Big White on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 10:25:00 PST

imitation is the highest form of flattery...

to those with hungry teeth beneath thin skins of cheap leatherclutchin beef fuelin ego's like that shit goes on foreveryou need to know that the feet grip you got i got to severcause you ridin my coat...
Posted by Big White on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 08:57:00 PST