My biggest interest right now is meeting cool people. Believe it or not, it can be pretty hard sometimes! Sometime I just want to walk up to people in the store and say "hey, i'm tyson, you look fun lets hang out in the fresh produce aisle for a while!" Ha can you imagine the look on their face. Honestly I just want to meet some people whoe want to go along for the ride; co-pilots; companions - a la "The Beach". I think i've decided i'm into brunettes now, but every freakin girl in arizona is blonde. I mean there must be the bubonic Blonde plague going on right now or something!!! Not that i don't like blondes, i think they're fine but seriously, can I get on hot ass brunett in the hizouse?!?
Jesus, Noah, Job, David, Jonah, c.s. lewis, albert einstein, sigmund freud, plato, socrates, machiavelli, karl marx, thomas jefferson, ceasar...any of them, Henry VIII, Rasputin, Hipocrotes, Alexander the Great, Imhotep(anyone that dies the way he does has got to have a good story to tell), and last but not least a really nice girl -hahahaha, yeah i know ...that's a good one right!?!? My Top 24 = TEAM AWESOME
I could go on about music for a while. I'm still fascinated by the fact that music is just a bunch of vibrations....frequencies if you may. So, why does it affect us and make us get all CuRazEEE.??? Whatever the case I think music is pretty neat-O. Not so much for country though...sorry, i don't want my dog to die and lose my house and my girlfriend....not that i have a girl friend but you see my point.
Ya know I have friends that have seen more movies in a week than commercials i see in a weekend watching MTV. I would rather watch a movie in my house unless it's something that demands a theatre experience like Slut Wars: Revenge of the sauce-ness monster or Dildo Diaries. I mean the special effects alone in those movies are worth the 8 bucks.....Ha!
I can't say that i enjoy television. I hate commercials(EXCEPT for the TED FERGUSON COMMERCIALS)....they make me want to feed myself feet first into a wood chipper...really. I'm not a sitcom fan, i don't have the attention span or the patience..... I have a 60'' television anyways.
I do like books. I wish i had more with the pop out scenery. That would rule. I use to have a collection while growing up. Not too long ago i found one, opened it up only to find half the scenery gone with a note that read:Dear tyson,Someday you will wonder what happened to all your books with scenery pop-outs, in case that day is today you should probably know THAT YOU ATE THEM!love,momaaaaah, the good ol' have I come a long way! no....really!
......honestly, i lucked dad rules......aaaand my mom's pretty rockin too.