Kat Street Management profile picture

Kat Street Management

About Me

Kat Street Mangement represents Powerpop/Rock/Indie artist Lauren D'Aria.We thank all new friends for adding us. Please visit Lauren's Official Myspace at www.myspace.com/laurendaria and add her too! Help spread the word. Tell all your friends to check our her music too!
Lauren D’Aria’s voice is compelling, beautiful and soft, yet powerful. Her uniquely expressive voice commands your ear at first listen. Lauren has all the key ingredients for success: the voice, the looks and the great songs.
Since she was 13 she has been wowing audiences. In October, 2004, she took Hollywood by storm with her performance at the premiere of Hillary Duffs new movie “Raise Your Voice” and in June, 2005, she brought the house down at The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio.
Lauren can ROCK the house and in return bring you to tears with a powerful ballad. Her amazing vocal range will send chills up and down your spine. Lauren lights up the room with the beauty of a model and lights up the stage with her energetic stage presence. At her shows, Lauren not only performs her own songs, but typically performs songs from artists such as Evanescence, Heart, Kelly Clarkson, Fall Out Boy, Flyleaf, No Doubt and many others.
Lauren is finishing up her cd. Look for an early Spring release.
Best Female Vocals in Pop Rock, week of May 29, 2006
Rocking Track in Pop Rock , week of July 10, 2006.
Track of the Day - As a result of some very enthusiastic reviews from GarageBand.com members, "Fly Away" was Track of the Day at GarageBand.com. For 24 hours on Thursday, the 22nd of June, 2006. "Fly Away" was featured on GarageBand.com's Pop Rock front page.
Thanks for helping to promote Lauren!

My Interests


Member Since: 12/31/2005
Band Website: myspace.com/laurendaria
Band Members: MEET THE BAND.....

THANKS GUYS! You're Awesome!!!

Manager: Kathy D'Aria
Tour Manager: Doug D'Aria


Sounds Like: Lauren!!!

Myspace Contact Tables
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Tim Windsor of Windsor Music Needs our help

Our friend, Tim Windsor of Windsor Promotions, needs your help.  He and his family had a house fire last Wedndesday (12/20) and have lost everything.  Everything from clothes,...
Posted by Kat Street Management on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 06:44:00 PST