DISOBEDIENT Debutante profile picture


Comotosed by your embrace

About Me

Part 2 of my first suspension

Join Vibralux, Mercury Mad & The Cult of the Dolls
"Under a black Flag we sail. The sea is our empire..."
This is the blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Matthew 26:28
Look down at me and you see a fool; look up at me and you see a god; look straight at me and you see yourself"....kisses Charlie

"Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye" (Matthew 7:1-5).

My Interests

Love is the most refined form of madness
First and foremost MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC! I love extreme sports, boxing, ice hockey, kickboxing, mythology, theology (I have one hell of a religious fetish that no one quite seems to understand), psychology, sociology, my inner id, traveling, reading, arts, fashion, photography, serial killers, fetish, and anything that expands my mind. Everything strange and unusual to others is a turn on to me! Pirates, punks, gypsy's, rockabilly's, gothabilly's, psychobilly's, billy goat gruff, skater's, gamers, trekies, wiccans's, christian's, pagan's, tree-hugger's, scientologists(cough), nerds, geeks, homosexuals, heterosexuals, metrosexuals, schizophrenics, anyone described in the DSM-IV-TR, artists, musicians, self-proclaimed freaks, and those that don't realize that they are freaks. I love fing around with myspace codes, editing, and html

Little red riding hood was going thru the woods on her way to grandma's house. as she strolled down the trail, she ran into mr. owl. mr. owl said to little red " little red, I wouldn’t go to grandma's house if i were you, the big bad wolfs waiting there and he said he was going to pull up your little red dress, pull down your little red panties, and f@ck your little red brains out". little red said "I’m not worried about the big bad wolf", and she continued down the trail. a little further down the trail she runs into mr. deer, and mr.deer said " little red, I wouldn’t go to grandma's house if i were you, the big bad wolfs waiting there and he said he was going to pull up your little red dress, pull down your little red panties, and f@ck your little red brains out". little red said "I’m not worried about the big bad wolf", and she continued down the trail. a little further down the trail she runs into MR.BEAR, mr.bear said "LITTLE RED, I wouldn’t go to grandma's house if i were you, the big bad wolfs waiting there and he said he was going to pull up your little red dress, pull down your little red panties, and f@ck your little red brains out". little red said "I’m not worried about the big bad wolf", and she continued down the trail. Sure enough she gets to grandma's house and the big bad wolf is waiting on the front porch. Big bad wolf said to little red, " come on little red, I’m going to pull up your little red dress, pull down your little red panties, and f@ck your little red brains out". so, little red walked up to the big bad wolf, pulled a gun out of her picnic basket, pointed it at his head and said, " I don’t think so, your going to eat me, just like the stories told.

I'd like to meet:

CURRENT MOON lunar phase

My new motto: Friends help you move, MYSPACE FRIENDS help you move corpses...


I am a mommy first and foremost. With that said...money cannot buy you everything and that includes happiness, love and well sanity....so I am successful in my own rights and richer than some of the richest, in that sense of speaking. I wouldn't mind meeting these cats. The BAD REVEREND MAYNARD! yes please...James Spader, Christopher Walken, Vincent D'Onofrio, Criss Angel, Robert De Niro, Angelina Jolie, and a one Captain Jack Sparrow. I would love to meet everyone on my friends list.
Can you corner a rattlesnake and survive its bite...Don't know if it was a rattlesnake bite? Look for symptoms--fang marks, pain, swelling, nausea, weakness, rubbery taste in the mouth, black and blue discoloration of the bitten area....If bitten by a rattlesnake, DO NOT use ice to cool the bite. If bitten by a rattlesnake, DO NOT cut open the wound and try to suck out the venom. If bitten by a rattlesnake, DO NOT use a tourniquet. This will cut off blood flow and the limb may be lost. Avoid rattlesnakes altogether. If you see one, don't try to get closer to it or catch it. Keep your hands and feet away from areas where you cannot see, where rattlesnakes like to rest.


Lucid Spiral - Sacrifice - Quicktime

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Everthing from classic to industrial. Gothic to indie. Punk to Rockabilly. No modern country blah...sorry. This would take forever to even begin an actually list. This would also depend on the mood I am in, or which of my disassociates you are asking.
MAYNARD is my....demi god...

Apoptygma Bezerk
perfect circle
A Covenant of Thorns
Aney Park
Alex Can't Sleep
Angels W/Knives
Anything Box
Apoptygma Bezerk
Assemblage 23
Otis Redding
Babylonian Tiles
Beborn Beton
Bella Morte
Aimee Bjork
Bloody Dead & Sexy
Bozo Porno Circus
Cabaret Voltaire
Call Me Alice
Catherine Wheel
Carfax Abbey
Clan of Xymox
Concrete Blonde
The Covenant
Cradle of Filth
The Creatures
The Curse
Das Ich
Dead Dolls
Die Warzau
Diva Destruction
Dope Stars Inc.
Downfall Funeral
Dust of Basement
Echo and the Bunnymen
Einstürzende Neubauten
Funeral Rites
Funker Vogt
Gary NumanElectric Hellfire Club
Android Lust
Anorexia Nervosa
Emilie Autumn
Evils Toy
The Faint
Switchblade Symphony
Theatre of Tragedy
The Muse Mercy Ground
Fiction 8
Funeral Rites
Funker Vogt
Gary Numan
Dein Schatten
Delicate Terror
Depeche Mode
Diamanda Galas
Inkubus Sukkubus
In Strict Confidence
Front 242
Gene Love Jezebel
Ghost Orgy
Ghoultown Collectively
Grim Faeries
Hanzel und Gretyl
Sapphic Ode
Schone Maschine
Hate Dept
Hearts Fail
the Hollow
Inkubus Sukkubus
In Strict Confidence
Front 242
Killing Joke
Jack Off Jill
Lilac Ambush
Little Match Girl
Nine Inch Nails
Petter Murphy
Pillars of Nein
Keith Hillebrandt
Meat Beat Manifesto
Mediaeval Baebes
Metophisto waltz
the Mission
My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult
Nick Cave
Nine Inch Nails
Petter Murphy
Pillars of Nein
Project Hate
Project Pitchfork
the Red Masque
Rob Zombie
Rosa Crux
Rosemary Asylum
London After Midnight
Lords of Acid
Magdalene's Dream
Rosetta Stone
Seraphim Shock
Sister Sacrilege
Sisters Machine Gun
Sisters of Mercy
Skinny Puppy
Stigmata Defined
St. Vitus Dance
Tori Amos
Uranium 235
Nertigo Blue
Violent Femmes
Miranda Sex Garden
Wounded Infidel
Alison Moyet
All About Eve Known as the CandyTree
Mr. Bungle....
ok that's all you get...sheeeze...and of course I love the bands I choose for my profile.


Night of the Living Dead III, Anything with Bruce Campbell, Night of the Comet, Dreamscape, 1996 Crash, Fifth Element, Stigmata, The Hunger..and well I'll go ahead and name some of my favorite directors and their work... Antonia Bird-RAVENOUS(shivers) George Romero-Living Dead trilogy;Tod Browning-1932 Freaks;Joseph Ruben-1984 Dreamscape;William Friedkin-1973 Exorcist;Thom Eberhardt-1984 Night of the Comet;Takashi Miike-Audition;Don Siegel-1956 Body Snatchers;Rob Reiner-Misery;Stuart Gordon-1985 ReAnimator;David Fincher-Seven;John Lands-An American Werewolf In London;Steve Miner-1981 The Howling;Dario Argento -Deep Red;Roman Polanski-Rosemary's Baby;Rob Zombie-Devil's Rejects;John Hughs-Sixteen Candles(see who is really reading this) along with Howard Deutch-Pretty in Pink;Joel Schumacher-Lost Boys; Tom Holland-Fright Night;Mary Lambert-Pet Semetary;F.W. Murnau-1922 Nosferatu; Tony Scott-The Hunger;John Carpenter-The Thing and In the Mouth Of Madness; Wes Craven-Hills Have Eyes;David Cronenberg-1996 Crash;Tobe Hooper Tx Chainsaw Massacre;Alfred Hitchcock-Birds and Psycho; Sam Raimi-Evil Dead Series;Oliver Stone-Natural Born Killers....whewww...I am sure i missed several, but you get the jist.Sh@t I missed Quentin Tarantino...I must be losing it...

Once upon a time, a woman was picking up firewood. She came upon a poisonous snake frozen in the snow. She took the snake home and nursed it back to health. One day the snake bit her on the cheek. As she lay dying, she asked the snake, "Why have you done this to me?" And the snake answered, "Look, b@tch, you knew I was a snake." This is so me when I am Crossed...


I'd rather read, but occasionally I watch Medium, for my miss lovely Patricia Arquette, or NCIS but only for Abbey...tee Also, The Practice for the lushious James Spader and sometimes Viva La Bam, because I want to spank Don Vitto!

You scored as Wrath.














Seven deadly sins



Ok, I will try and attempt a tiny sample of my tastes: ****MICHAEL LAIMO**** Stephen Cullen-The Haunted Privory;William Henry Ireland-Rimualdo;Clive Barker-Weaveworld;Horace Walpole-The Castle Of Otranto;V.C. Andrews-Flowers in the Attic;Matthew Gregory Lewis-The Monk;Ramsey Campbell-The Doll Who Ate His Mother;Peter Straub and Nick Cave's beloved author-The Juniper Tree and The Throat;Charlotte Smith-The Wanderings of Warwick;Stephen King-The Dark Tower Series, Cujo, Needful Things....;Anne Rice-anything by my queen;Brom Stokers-Dracula;J.Sheridan Le Fanu-Camilla;Ann Radcliffe-The Mysteries Of Udolpho;Johann Ludwigtieck-Wake Not the Dead;Mary Shelley-Frankenstein;Robert Lewis Stevenson-The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde;John Polidori-The Vampyre;Sir Arthur Conan Doyle-Lost World;Thomas Harris-Hannibal Lector series; Neil Gaiman-Sandman; Keith Ferrario-Messiah;Edgar Allan Poe -The Raven...swhhhhooo...H.P. lovecraft-Flowers in the attic(this was my real life family, no joke,) Dean Koontz-IntensityI know I am forgetting a bunch....oh and of course for the dark romantic I am, Shakespeare-Romeo and Juliet......


Ed Gein, Dita VonTesse, and of course...mother...
I am harmless..really ;)

.. type="application/x-mplayer2" height="100" width="145" ..
Thank you for this, to a very sweet, aluring gentleman
I found myself wandering sometime Evening in the fall Something that didn’t seem unusual Though it might have been a dream Impression unreal The night a warm blanket I then saw her illuminated Skin cool porcelain The moon gave birth Now she was in the rose garden Defiant in bearing Embracing thorns as they embraced her Red trickling out A dark offering to the garden below Bruises a contrast to her dark skin They seemed to go deep Far further than heart and bone She said her friend was worse But she never made it down the road With a tear in her eye And a sigh on her heart She strode into the night Regal in her stride Leaving just a memory And a few drops of blood To bless the ground and the memory before the morning light
DISOBEDIENT Debutante's Details
Status: Controlled

Here for: Overthrowing my 2nd chakra...
Orientation: Mysexual
Hometown: Deliverance, Ga
Body type: 5' 8" / Slender
Bloodline: Irish, Creek Indian, French
Religion: Sheaanity
HORROscope, click here: Gemini of course
Smoke / Drink: No / No
Children: Have one I adore!
Education: In college for multimedia, photography, and graphic design
Occupation: Rubberband
Income: You tell me how much...

My Blog

MY Belle's new video. http://www.myspace.com/lucidspiralmusic

FUCKING AMAZING!! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!Lucid Spiral - Sacrifice - Quicktime Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by DISOBEDIENT Debutante on Mon, 14 May 2007 04:39:00 PST

F me....its friday

..> The Undead UndergroundUnder Neighbours on Broadway and Pike1509 BroadwayEntrance on Broadway(206)324-5358 ..>...
Posted by DISOBEDIENT Debutante on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 04:07:00 PST


" "
Posted by DISOBEDIENT Debutante on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 07:15:00 PST


" "
Posted by DISOBEDIENT Debutante on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 07:16:00 PST

Friday the 13th ZOMBIE BALL

....Don't forget this Friday the 13th is the Zombie Ball at neighbors on Capitol hill....you won't want to miss it......1509 broadway seattle, Wa 98122 206)324-5358 DOWNSTAIRS passed the zombie cages....
Posted by DISOBEDIENT Debutante on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 10:33:00 PST


Mike V as well as his band, Revolution Mother will be hitting up the Northwest for a one-off skate demo and show at the Skatebarn in Renton, WA. Here are all the details:May 12, 2007Mike V Demo / Revo...
Posted by DISOBEDIENT Debutante on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 02:16:00 PST


Congrats to my friend Brandy..She is getting married in Sept!!!! Bad for her good for me because the wedding in in Vegas!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!! jk Love you Brandy! There's a little get together tonight at...
Posted by DISOBEDIENT Debutante on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 04:14:00 PST

Many of you

have had a....freak out reaction...Someone's thought on this.....freaking funny.....These are the reasons, why people might be phreak't out about your recent experience: *enfolds fingers You see, if s...
Posted by DISOBEDIENT Debutante on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 06:03:00 PST

other vid

suspension Add to My Profile | More Videossuspension Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by DISOBEDIENT Debutante on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 07:17:00 PST

suspension video from last night

Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photosthank you Adam and Carmen...
Posted by DISOBEDIENT Debutante on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 07:11:00 PST