Mike J profile picture

Mike J

Proverbs 13:20

About Me

FYI - If your comments involve a free Playstation VII/cell phone combo that lets me see who's spying on me on myspace and will either let me earn some extra cash or do my taxes while watching a naughty webcam, THEY WILL BE DELETED. PERIOD!!! I love any and all artists comments or solicitations but I'm not into free advertisement for non-music related anythings...NEW RULES - you will also be deleted and possibly marked as spam if you send me an add request and you say your name is Paris (I've already added Paris the MC from the Bay and you are NOT him) or that you're from China and you're obviously not Chinese. Also, I WILL NOT honor an add request if you don't have a profile pic. If you don't have a pic for a legitimate reason, message me when you request me...

My Interests


Member Since: 12/31/2005
Band Members: Hardware: Akai MPC 1000 & 4000, Axiom 49 midi controller, M-Audio Trigger Finger, Numark TTX & CDX's, Mackie d.2, PreSonus Firepod, ART Digital MPA PreAmp, 2 BBE 882i's, etc...

Software: Apple Logic, Reason 4, ReCycle, Garageband, Komplete 5 (Absynth, Akoustik Piano, B4II, Battery 3, Elektrik Piano, FM8, Kontakt 3, Massive, Pro53, Reaktor 5), GForce MTron, GForce Oddity, GForce impOscar, GForce MiniMonsta, and various sample libraries/effects...
Influences: I believe this even if you don't follow the fine print at the bottom:

We Miss You Chick! First one to 100 wins!!!

Watch for a young Mike J around the 2:50 mark. I'm over MC Eiht's right shoulder just after Boots Riley from The Coup appears. Big thanks to In-A-Minute records and the Music People for takin care of me back in the day. Damn... I'm gettin old...

Check out Mr. Herbie Hancock's ill drum machine demo for Mr. Quincy Jones... DOPE!!!!!!!

I saw the almighty DJ Scratch kick the majority of this routine back in the day on the Hit Squad Tour. In my humble opinion, he's the illest ever. While he didn't cut up "Bring Em Out" back in '92, he did climb up onto the table and, um, "make love to the mixer" - literally sliding the cross fader back and forth with his crotch. I swear, I'm not making this ish up!!!! Check out Erick Sermon's comments on "Funky Piano" if you don't believe me... It's nice to see Scratch still has it.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Quality vs. Quantity

Thought for today - the general public has become convinced that quantity is better than quality. Wal-Mart and Target put small businesses like Dick Bruhn and M'Lady Bruhn clothiers out of business. ...
Posted by Mike J on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 08:08:00 PST

Lessons Learned

This blog is mostly going to be for me to remind myself of this past week's experiences. Please consider it that way if you choose to read it.So, last weekend I managed to injure my lower back someho...
Posted by Mike J on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 03:52:00 PST

In a word...stunned (yes, this is about the game)

Wow...I'm at a loss for words about the Lakers loss a moment ago. I would love to be able to blame the officials or dirty play by the Celtics... But I can't. The Lakers lost that game all on their ...
Posted by Mike J on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 09:02:00 PST


2008 has turned out to be a difficult year already. I’ve been dealing with a lot of personal struggles both in my public and private life. The year kicked off with a great New Year’s Eve...
Posted by Mike J on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 10:00:00 PST

Illustrating an earlier point...

I just saw this on youtube and had to post it. It completely illustrates my point on the earlier blog I posted about "intellectual property". It's overlong but your really should check it out. Watc...
Posted by Mike J on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 10:31:00 PST

Old Zip Disc with Old Beats

So... I was going through some old Zip discs to make sure there was nothing on them and came across some beats I did back in 97 when I got my first MPC 2000. It triggered a lot of memories for me jus...
Posted by Mike J on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 04:11:00 PST

Intellectual Property is Bullsh*t...

So I was talking to this cat the other day about sampling, as I've done many times in the past, and we got off on this interesting tangent. My arguement has always been that sampling is an art, simil...
Posted by Mike J on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 08:45:00 PST

The Forgotten Dunk Champion

Man, I remeber this like yesterday but nobody seems to ever recognize Boston Celtics' Dee Brown as one of the greatest All Star Slam Dunk Champions. It was 1991 and he was a relatively lower shelf pl...
Posted by Mike J on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 12:57:00 PST

Transformers Observations

I've been watching the new Transformers movie as I've been home sick. I was a HUGE Transformers fan back in 80's. I have a few observations and may add more later, (like this is really important)......
Posted by Mike J on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 04:25:00 PST

There has to be a better way...

...to send stuff quicker than just sending mp3's via email to artists. I mean, it's taking 20 minutes to send a single track through gmail to prospective clients. Annoying!!!!! My bandwith is great...
Posted by Mike J on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 08:28:00 PST