Nicol profile picture


Fire and Ice, can you take it?

About Me

If you want safe, sane, and the other way. I am one of the people your Mom said to watch out for. There's also the requisite amount (and more) of drama in this life. But if that doesn't bother you, well then Hello there! I'm me.

My Interests

Live Journal*, Science Fiction, Writing, Painting, Body Art, Anger Management :), Celtic Mythology,Bipolar Disorder, Psychotic Episodes, Self Injury, Wicca

I'd like to meet:

Hmmm. If the people around you think you're a freak, there's a good chance I'll like you. So come on in. And to qoute a friend, pull up a neuron and watch the show.


Rob Zombie, Tool, Nirvana, Radiohead, Weezer, Kiss, Kron, Godsmack, Eminem *fuck you, i like 'im*


LOTR, Harry Potter, The Never Ending Story, X-Men, Spider Man, Hellraiser, Bram Stokers Dracula, Wayne's World, Terminator, Wierd Science, The Shining, Hellraiser, Goonies*, Spaceballs, Interview with A Vampyre, 13 warrior, Sleepy Hollow


Charmed, Angel, Comedy Central, Buffy *must be very tired for this*,


And Authors- Carrie, Flowers In The Attic, Romeo and Juliet, Rosemadder, Dark Symphony, The Fairie Queen, Anne Rice, Necronomicon, Bible, Chronicles of Narnia


grass..I don't do "heroes".

My Blog

Just shite about me!!!!

like stickers, qoutes, black roses, silver jewelry, leather, latex, caffiene, rock climbing, hiking, mello yello, water, JUICE, pickles, tomatoes, lists, rocks Hate White x-mas trees, close-minde...
Posted by Nicol on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Fuckin-a, Marius, you can't speak without making me want to write.... Must be a talent. :) Most of my friends have been subject to the drama of this life of mine...I do not blame you because you...
Posted by Nicol on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Happy fuckin X-mas....

WTF? Neil Diamond! just came on the TV, singing "Diamonds on the Soles of her Shoes". On VH1. Again I say, WHAT THE FUCK?! Any way. My Christmas. *ye gods that song is annoying* We exchange presen...
Posted by Nicol on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

He inspired me... I must try to write it down

Kudos to Marius.. you have inspired me to actually reveal a little of myself. I believe- I do not need a church to speak to my creator. I can see "him" in the water, the earth. I can hear "him...
Posted by Nicol on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Pitiful Wail

I don't understand! Why must it be so big of a deal what sex a person prefers? I've just been..attacked verbally. In r/l. Just for looking like I might be gay or bi. *anger/tears* I was just doing...
Posted by Nicol on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Dama warning

Last night sucked big. I tried, and failed. Pills. Just overslept and felt like shit all day long. Doesn't that just suck? I so suck at life, people. Not to mention being tired of it, and all.....
Posted by Nicol on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST