Live Journal*, Science Fiction, Writing, Painting, Body Art, Anger Management :), Celtic Mythology,Bipolar Disorder, Psychotic Episodes, Self Injury, Wicca
Hmmm. If the people around you think you're a freak, there's a good chance I'll like you. So come on in. And to qoute a friend, pull up a neuron and watch the show.
Rob Zombie, Tool, Nirvana, Radiohead, Weezer, Kiss, Kron, Godsmack, Eminem *fuck you, i like 'im*
LOTR, Harry Potter, The Never Ending Story, X-Men, Spider Man, Hellraiser, Bram Stokers Dracula, Wayne's World, Terminator, Wierd Science, The Shining, Hellraiser, Goonies*, Spaceballs, Interview with A Vampyre, 13 warrior, Sleepy Hollow
Charmed, Angel, Comedy Central, Buffy *must be very tired for this*,
And Authors- Carrie, Flowers In The Attic, Romeo and Juliet, Rosemadder, Dark Symphony, The Fairie Queen, Anne Rice, Necronomicon, Bible, Chronicles of Narnia
grass..I don't do "heroes".