Karlore profile picture


Art is better then TV.

About Me

For a really long time I have had a ton of information on here about my company and what I do. That pretty much sums up the "about me." Creating artwork now is my life. I make a living off my doodles, and I can proudly say that I'm making it as an artist in this world, and not a commercial or graphic artist. For a long time I figured that was all there was for me. It was one of the first things I started doing right out of and during High School, and I'm glad I found my niche as an artist instead. So hooray for not working at a design firm, and hooray for selling my doodles/illustrations/drawings.
Alright, now the info about my art company:
Partybots is a celebration of individualism which began with two robots and a passion for sustainability. Owner and founder Karl Addison creates one-of-a-kind apparel, bags and art work. An artist/designer at heart, he started Partybots in 2003 out of a love of clothing and art that is eco-conscious.
From a robot doppelganger, to an amiable Bigfoot to an intestinal ant farm, our genre-defying designs have earned a loyal following among those who refuse to give in to mass-produced homogeneity.
All of our artwork is illustrated and screen-printed by hand, giving it a unique, handcrafted quality. The printing process at Partybots uses the latest eco-friendly methods including platen glue and soy-based cleaners. During conventional dying processes, large amounts of water are used to get rid of the dye that does not attach to the fibers in the fabric, which is wasteful and has a negative impact on the environment.
Low impact dyeing provides a better absorption rate allowing for less dye to be used. Partybots dye process allows for optimal water conservation. So you can be assured that our products meet a very high standard—in more ways than one.
The designs you’ll find here will change often, as owner Karl Addison is constantly releasing new wearable works of art and design. When we sell out of a limited-run work, it will never be recreated the same way again. The colors, placement, and effects continually evolve; resulting in a one-of-a-kind product. Since all of our printing, painting and production are done in-house, this allows Partybots to use a variety of mediums. Custom work is available with almost any type of clothing, bag, book, poster or textile. By purchasing Partybots apparel you’re taking a stand for the environment. We go to great lengths to find the safest, most responsible materials available to sustain our environment.

My Interests

Vegan, Kombucha! I grow it.... then drink it.... and it's super yummy! Design, painting, printing, drawing, art, screenprinting, more art, music (check out my music section), mopeds, dancing (by myself... but sometimes with others), breaking things, growing my beard, making shirts, selling shirts, talking to people, more design, working on my website, hanging out with my friends, living in Seattle, because it fucking rules, books, computers, reading, vespas, robots, nuns, pirates, mustaches, merkins, wigs, CARTOONS, simpsons, being self employed, making it as an artist

I'd like to meet:

Anyone walking around with jelly flip flops and drinking a white Russian.


Lots of it, i like to sit in my bathtub with a 80s boombox floating next to me. I like a lot of metal, grind core, punk rock (i don't know why "punk" sounds so weird to me these days), indie, and some emo bands. As long as its not crap, i like it. Here is a list of bands that I could think of that I like a lot: Last Day Parade, Planes Mistaken For Stars, At The Drive-In, Modest Mouse, Le Shok, International Noise Consipiracy, ,Black Flag (old school), Hot Hot Heat, The Blood Brothers, Wesley Willis, Circle Takes A Square, The Assistant, Sincebyman, Takaru, Milemarker, Transitor Transitor, Graves At Sea, Run DMC, Har Mar Superstar, The Black Heart Procession, Rapider Then Horse Power, Sean Na-Na, As I Lie Dying, Atombombpocketknife, A Life Once Lost, Gravy Train, Watch Me Burn, Cradle Of Filth, SKSK, The Bled, Q & not U, Elliot Smith, The Levines (RIP), Stop It, Under A Dying Sun, Ween, Boysetsfire, Mineral, Bright Eyes, Hot Hot Heat, The Unicorns, Bullyrag, Charmer, Sparta, Mates Of State, Thrice, The Mercury Program, Ugly Casanova, Gray AM, De Facto, The Necornauts, Planes Mistaken For Stars, Yancey, The Shins, Pilot To Bombardier, Minor Threat, Cattle Decapitation, Avail, Small Brown Bike, Surefire Broadcast, Botch, Opeth, Los Angeles Wheels, Existi (RIP), The Mars Volta, Death Cab For Cutie, Tickertapparade, The Postal Service, Eighty Front Street (RIP), Breather Resister, Coalesce, Ox Vs. Thunderbird, Plug Spark Sanjay, Absinthe Blind, XBXRX, Minus the bear, Beta Valentine, Jesu, Erik Penny, Death From Above 1979, Ben Davis, Blonde Redhead, Camera Obscura, Rilo Kiley, Cattle Decapitation, Coalesce, The Crimson Curse, Defacto, Fantomas, Hint Hint, Recover, Refused, Man Man, An Albatross and more that I will list when I can think./P


The Big Lebowski, Happiness, Super Size Me, Dead Or Alive, Futurama, Mrs. Doubtfire, Richard Pryor: Live In Concert, Fahrenheit 9/11, Fargo, Roger & Me, The Cable Guy, Monster, The Crime Of Padre Amaro, Auto Focus, Upright Citizens Brigade, Kill Bill, Caddyshack, Adaptation, What About Bob?, Permanent Midnight, Chappelle's Show, Fight Club, Ren & Stimpy, Sealab 2021, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Simpsons, Orgazmo, Austin Powers, I Spy, Young Frankenstein, Pirates Of The Caribbean, Spiderman, Brotherhood Of The Wolf, The Time Machine, Panic Room, Edward Scissorhands, The Salton Sea, Amelie, The Adventures Of Sebastian Cole, Six String Samurai, In The Bedroom, Changing Lanes, The Dangerous Lives Of The Altar Boys, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Amores Perros, 13 Conversations About One Thing, 8 Mile, Roger Dodger, Jaws, Resident Evil, Red Dragon, Spy Kids 2, Stuart Little 1&2, Spaceballs, The Graduate, Batman 1&2, Eddie Murphy Raw, Dumb & Dumber, Napoleon Dynamite, Shawn Of The Dead, Bubba Ho-Tep, The Shinning, Tommy Boy, What About Bob, Raising Arizona, Zoolander, Sixteen Candles, The Motorcycle Diaries, The Silence Of The Lambs, Fight Club, Starship Troopers, Best In Show, Superman, King Pin, Saved, Matchstick Men, Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, The Royal Tenenbaums, Rushmore, Bottle Rockets, Nightmare On Elm Street, American Psycho, Hellraiser, House, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Exorcist, Anchorman, Day Of The Dead, Dawn Of The Dead, Night Of The Living Dead, Land Of The Dead, American Splendor, The Virgin Suicide, Crumb, Casino, American Beauty, American Movie, The Amityville Horror, Army of Darkness, The Awful Truth, Barton Fink, Beetlejuice, Blade Runner, Blazing Saddles, Bowling for Columbine, Cabin Boy, The Cable Guy, Clerks, Da Ali G Show, Donnie Darko, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Every Which Way But Loose, Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn, Family Guy, Fargo, Fidel, Frida, Ghost World, Harvey Birdman, The Kids in the Hall, The Limey, Lords of Dogtown, Man on the Moon, Monster, Office Space, Okie Noodling, Pulp Fiction, Punch-Drunk Love, Reservoir Dogs, Roger & Me, Run Lola Run, Scarface, Spellbound, Storytelling, Super Size Me, The Thing, This Is Spinal Tap, Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, Walking with Cavemen, Walking with Dinosaurs, Arachnophobia, Auto Focus, Billy Elliot, Dark Days, Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, The Eyes of Tammy Faye, The Fly / The Fly 2, Human Nature, Jackie Brown, The Jerk, The Life & Death of Peter Sellers, The Party's Over, Permanent Midnight, Pumpkin, Rize, Sixteen Candles, Superstar, Troy, Waiting for Guffman, Walking with Prehistoric Beasts, Welcome to the Dollhouse, Wet Hot American Summer, Another Day in Paradise, Being John Malkovich, The Brothers Grimm, Company Man, The Haunted Mansion, Hellboy, The House of Yes, Kill Bill: Vol. 2, The Ladykillers, The Life of David Gale, Lost in Translation, Mystery Men, Sideways, Spun, Stir Crazy, Stripes, Van Helsing, The Village, Alexander: Director's Cut, e-Dreams, Kicking & Screaming, Mulholland Drive, Palindromes, The People vs. Larry Flynt, The Day After Tomorrow, Constantine, They Live And A Lot More!


Rockford Files and Cartoons


"Clumsy, a Novel" by Jeffery Brown


1. Robert Crumb
2. Jackson Pollock
3. Henry Darger
4. Ray Johnson
5. Jeffery Brown

My Blog

Two New Drawings - And A Little Bit Of CoLOR

A couple of months ago I BLOGGED about the use of color and how I love it... but have fallen away from it since adopting my drawing style of black and white.  Well, after thinking about it a lot,...
Posted by Karlore on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 08:19:00 PST

Los Angeles Store Visit

While I was in Los Angeles two weekends ago I had a little time to drop in to three of my stores in the area. Let me tell you, all three were awesome to visit.   The first store I visited wa...
Posted by Karlore on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:26:00 PST

Three New Drawings

Here are three new drawings.  The top one is for my America series, and I drew it while I was in Brooklyn over the weekend.  The bottom two are from Los Angeles - the previous weekend from t...
Posted by Karlore on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 12:12:00 PST

Straw Dog is Open!

Here is a great little boutique in Cumming, Georgia at The Avenue Forsyth. straw dog offers the best of your favorite lines like Converse, Johnny Was, Kensie Girl, Max & Cleo, Miss Me ...
Posted by Karlore on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 09:40:00 PST

Come to Renegade Craft Fair in Brooklyn This Weekend

Hi there! Brooklyn's 4th Annual RENEGADE CRAFT FAIR!! This year's event will be held June 14 + 15 from 11am - 7pm at the McCarren Park Pool! Check out the Vendor List to get a sneak peak at who w...
Posted by Karlore on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 06:25:00 PST

POVevolving Gallery - Opening Night

My hat goes off to Jeremy and all the folks that made POVevolving Gallery an amazing success on it's opening night.  Everyone that showed had amazing pieces.  The theme of the show was "Hell...
Posted by Karlore on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 06:01:00 PST

Are you in Los Angeles or New York?

Here is the deal, if you live in Los Angeles then you need to come to this art opening this weekend. A good friend from back home in Arizona is having the Grand Opening on Saturday the 7th. The flier ...
Posted by Karlore on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 11:56:00 PST

American Babies & Cowboys

Here is the third drawing in my American Series, this baby took a little longer then planned.  I really feel strongly about the concept that it holds.  I can not wait to get started on the n...
Posted by Karlore on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 10:19:00 PST

Partybots Artwork available at Etchstar.com!

I can't even tell you how stoked I'm to announce this.  For a few months I have been working with this great company called Etchstar.com.  You can now go to their website and purchase things...
Posted by Karlore on Tue, 27 May 2008 01:49:00 PST

Lots of new Drawings!

I was thinking about how I have not had a whole lot of time to draw lately.  Some of these drawings have been sitting next to my scanner for a few weeks now.  Last night was the first chance...
Posted by Karlore on Mon, 26 May 2008 03:14:00 PST