art. creativity. bike rides. empty streets at night.
bike on bitches. dance parties. bruises. road trips. new cities and places. roller skates. roller coasters. mix tapes. crushes. screen printing. photography. photo booths. polaroids. letterpress. stencils. outdoor movies. drinking beer in the summer outside. parks. porches. stoops. rooftops. nature. coffee. zines. magazines. books. sewing. crafts. carnivorous plants. science. anatomy. surgery. chaotic systems. thunderstorms. fireworks. carnivals. handlebar mustaches. circuses. diversity in nature. fruits and vegetables. cooking for my friends. wikipedia addiction. learning new things. trying new things. making my own fun. making out. making things. repairing things. figuring out how things work. taking things apart. breaking things.
quality over quantity
I'm taking recommendations.
let's sneak in some beer and snacks.
doesn't hold alot of interest for me usually. however it is the best thing ever when home sick. that and popsicles.
oh yea. my library card number by heart.
change makers.
creativity pursuers.
cohorts and conspirators.
anyone who makes their
own fun.
Oh, yeah Jan Gehl is fucking rad! Jeg føle savnet af København.