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That's Mrs. Pizazz, Now!

Mrs. Pizazz

About Me

* * * * * Artist’s Statement * * * * *Oh, fellow human beings, writers, poets, artist, teachers, and legislators of all continents, consider the following. This ought to be a fun challenge for all of us, Educate Mankind. As a global community of artist we have the creative edge, to enlighten the masses, and reach the goal of universal equality for the good of all mankind. It’s funny how Governments give billions to blow things up, kill women and children, scare the land, all for the sake of profits rolling in. Oil is a dying fuel, and those in power know it, to keep their lively hood, they hide the truth, and spin lies, motivated by corporate greed. Yet cut funding to health care, education and the ARTS. Go Figure! All the while these Oil companies, knew that h2o is free to everyone, for more then twenty years they have known that we all could heat our homes, run our lights, tvs, computers, wireless connections, and drive our cars with water, FREE, and the only bi-product would have been drinking water. Global Warming Would Not be A Problem Today Had the GREEDY Corporations BEEN HONEST But the Greed of these companies, breed lies, instill fears in the global populations, blinds the minds of the masses to the Truth. Those who profit from these lies hold the grip of world power, they don’t want the masses to know the truth. Vendors of Mis-Information is a wake up call to the masses to take a stand for Global Human Rights. We are all made of the same stuff, matter. We are all entitled to certain inalienable rights, ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL.

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Bobby Pizazz Featured on Willie Nelson Peace Research Int, website...

Hi Everyone,
Thank you for taking a minute to check out the link above.
It is from the Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute.
I was honored to be part of such a movement as this,
We all need to take a look at the current policies of the USA
and take a stand for Peace.
Thank You taking time to review the article..
Bobby Pizazz

HELP Spread The Word

Willie's Site is Gone! But You can Hear Bobby's Song and See Bobby's article Only Here! ...

Bobby Pizazz Featured on Willie Nelson Peace Research Int, website...

Hi Everyone,
"Bobby’s fourth and newest version
celebrates the promise of
a peaceful evolution leading to
the awakening of humanity
with unconditional love...Click the Picture of Willie for the full Article
With all the rain and flooding around the World, this song "As The Waters Swallow The Land" by Bobby Pizazz is right on time! Listen in at ITunes

Bobby Pizazz "As the Waters Swallow the Land" Now on Sale at ITunes

Buy "As the Waters Swallows the Land" and we will send you FREE 8 Bonus Tracks

Just send proof of purchase to [email protected] to receive your FREE Bonus tracks!
"As the Waters Swallows the Land" is also available for purchase from CDBaby's and many more distribution sites.

Bobby Pizazz Just Opened a Store on Cafe Press, Own your own T-Shirt, Mug, Calendar or Adorable Teddy Bear ... Check out the many products available! Click the Link Below

Bobby Pizazz MST Teddy Bear
I hope for joy and peace
renewed strength and growth
and more harmonious music
You have been marked on my profile map! Click to zoom-in. Blogs - Request Air Play on local radio FREE DOWNLOADS - Bobby Pizazz MySpace Blog

You gotta check Bobby Pizazz Out!

My Interests

Music Story Teller, Big Band, Jazzy, Bluesy Music.
Get Code | Create Your Own!

I'd like to meet:

Team Players, Supports, Investors, Friends, Streeet Team. All Those who wish to help support singer/songwriters and their original music.
The Secret It changed the way I think!


Katrina "As the Waters Swallow the Land"

Bobby Pizazz takes you on a hauting gaze of a Hurricane Katrina & Rita, The real aftermath are the people reaching to start again, and their help is still being played out with political greed. Will someone be held accountable? The Waters are still swallowing the land.




In memory of the Joy they brought me
Li'tl One, Gypsie Rose, Gypsie Lee, MaMa Jr arrived September 3, 2007.
I watched each one pass from playful and lively to... sleeping far from MaMa with breathing difficulty.
Li'tl one passed in two hours on sept 26, follow by Gypsie Lee sept 27.
My efforts to save the other two failed as MaMa Jr passed Sept 28 and Gypsie Rose Sept 30, 2007.
(-: Keep Smiling :-)
If at times you feel you want to cry
And life seems such a trial
Above the clouds theres a bright blue sky
So make your tears a smile.
As you travel on lifes way
With its many ups and downs
Remember its quite true to say
One smile is worth a dozen frowns.
Among the worlds expensive things
A smile is very cheap
And when you give a smile away,
You get one back to keep.
Happiness comes at times to all
But sadness comes unbidden
And sometimes a few tears must fall
Among the laughter hidden.
So when friends have sadness on their face
And troubles round them piled
The world will seem a better place
And all because you smiled.
~ Unknown ~

My Blog Blogs - Request Air Play on local radio FREE DOWNLOADS - Bobby Pizazz MySpace Blog You gotta check Bobby Pizazz Out!...
Posted by That's Mrs. Pizazz, Now! on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 12:27:00 PST Blogs - Request Air Play on local radio FREE DOWNLOADS - Bobby Pizazz MySpace Blog You gotta check Bobby Pizazz Out!...
Posted by That's Mrs. Pizazz, Now! on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 12:27:00 PST Blogs - Request Air Play on local radio FREE DOWNLOADS - Bobby Pizazz MySpace Blog You gotta check Bobby Pizazz Out!...
Posted by That's Mrs. Pizazz, Now! on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 12:26:00 PST

Ninety percent of the population wish positive but think negative.

Dear Friends,AttractionHave you ever spent time wondering why many good people continually attract negative situations into their lives while others seem to attract nothing but beautiful situations in...
Posted by That's Mrs. Pizazz, Now! on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 02:17:00 PST

Walmart is Selling Bobby’s CD

Hi Thanks for stopping by and checking out my music. I hope you have a great and wonderful day! BobbyBobby Pizazz's"AS The Water's Swallowed The Land" On Sale Now at Walmart...
Posted by That's Mrs. Pizazz, Now! on Tue, 13 May 2008 04:37:00 PST

Captcha Code gone wrong!

Funny thing happened while I was sending out comments. I ran across this captcha code .... I wrote Tom "I never thought I would be reporting abuse by your captcha department, but when the code contai...
Posted by That's Mrs. Pizazz, Now! on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 07:07:00 PST

The Law of Attraction

In The Law of Attraction as shown in "The Secret", you are taught the concept    "thoughts become things" The movie hints at what to think, but is,  in my opinion, the world's view. &n...
Posted by That's Mrs. Pizazz, Now! on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 11:03:00 PST

Patiently wait to receive His Promises

Part of a letter to my Sister in Christ after she shared some emails about her and her friend she would like a relationship with."Sounds familiar, the exchange you have had with your friend. The best...
Posted by That's Mrs. Pizazz, Now! on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 01:07:00 PST

Promise Yourself...

To be strong minded that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.To talk health, happiness, and prosperity with every person you meet.To make all your friends feel like there is something in them.To lo...
Posted by That's Mrs. Pizazz, Now! on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 11:48:00 PST

Radio Free Nashville

Bobby Pizazz Live Today 7pm to 9pm On "The Stickman Show" Radio Free Nashville 98.9 FM Click here to Hear The Stickman! and Bobby Pizazz ...
Posted by That's Mrs. Pizazz, Now! on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 04:29:00 PST