Glitter Graphics
Mommie n' Sophie
To tell you the truth (b/c i've read somewhere thats the thing to do these days), i'm still in the process of figuring out who this Me-person is, so this particular section is prone to change frequently.
i abhor being told what to do. i'm not easily classified, i dont think being snugly stuffed in a niche will solve anyone's identity issues so i'm not one of those that attempt it. i love pumpkin, if its pumpkin-anything i'll likely choose it above anything else. i may not pray for you but i'll always send good juju. Sheep are adorable and Meekins is always in my car... along with the rubber duckie that brings me luck.
Halloween is by far my favorite holiday, any excuse to be creative and dress-up... and stuff myself with candy guilt-free. If i somehow end up alone in my golden years, i will be a proud cat-lady. i'm guilty of randomness on a daily basis, it brings spice to meh life. i always sing-along in my car. i make jewelry and draw portraits, but nearly as often as i should. i'd love to own a shop one day to sell things i've made... and lots of other stuff.
i have a bad habit of biting my nails but i'm trying to quit. i've succeeded in making 5 nails off-limits, so i'm halfway there! i dont handle being ignored very well. i re-read good books, you must've read your favorite book at least a half dozen times to call it your favorite. i cant stand clutter in my own house but in other's homes it just fascinates me.
My Shmuffin is by far the most important thing in my life, being her Mommie is the best thing i've ever done. i cant wait to experience the warmth of a campfire, the glow of the xmas tree, the beauty of fall and the fun of the beach with her, for years to come... i dont know how i got so lucky. i have no tolerance for ppl that turn their noses up at breastfeeding, in public or otherwise. goes along with my lack of tolerance for ignorance... savvy?
i consider myself a fair, open-minded individual. i am pro-choice, anti-war, and i dont think its anyone's right to tell another person who they can or cannot marry. i'm not fond of organized religion but i wont attack anyone for their beliefs, just dont attack me for my lack thereof. to me, these things are just common sense but you have your right to an opinion. oh, and i love to cook.
i am very much taken, by the lovely man in the photo below and am completely uninterested in trading him in so dont bother asking. and just in case you actually took the time to read this, which i doubt, please do me the courtesy of writing to me before requesting me as a friend, unless i already know who you are. kthnx :)
Why make it obvious that i'm a little off? .. you get away with a hell of a lot more when you're good at hiding it. ~ Me Quote
i think any other curiousities can be found in the lists to your left... or in the conversations/actual human contact we may have. you know... like people did BEFORE myspace........
my Yahoo ID is: eternal_autumn
For more pics Click HERE
"Happiness lies neither in vice nor in virtue;
but in the manner we appreciate the one and the other,
and the choice we make pursuant to our individual organization."
~ Marquis De Sade
WWW.ETERNALAUTUMN.COM --- please contact me if you're interested in commissions or prints of artwork.
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