Dugger Dagger Fist [HRD] profile picture

Dugger Dagger Fist [HRD]


About Me

about me Im still trying to figure it all out. I know I dont have all the answers, hell I'm still working on figuring out the right questions. Im still searching for something. A purpose, a goal, a quest, something.
i want to be able to enjoy my life, not just drag myself through it. but i also want it to have meaning. im not cut out for the hedonists life.
i love to watch movies. so much so that one of my friends was quoted as saying "Being friends with Dugger means that you gotta watch a lot of movies, even if you dont like movies" i have a bunch of movies. most of them not american. i am the kind of person who will be like "What? you never saw (insert great movie title)? holy shit, you need to see that!" the i will sit them down and make them watch that movie. i also have a tendancy to want to show movies i realy like to my frineds. which means i sometimes watch movies quite a few times in a short period of time. not that that bothers me though...
i like watching good moves over again. same with books. i will re-read a book i realy like several times. sometimes once or twice every year. i read The Hobbit about once a year. same with a few other books. like the Dragonlance Chronicles, or LOTR.
I am laid back and more than a bit lazy, but I love to be outdoors, I love nature. I love to hike. i want to start camping.
also this year i want to try to get back into watching Anime. i have such a backlog of anime i have colected in the past 2 years or so and just havent had the time or drive to watch... must change that.
I love Music. I am a huge fan of Japanese and Korean music. i love classic rock and am starting to get more into some newer rock and even a bit or emo music. I love melodic metal like Kamelot, but i cant stand much more of the Metal genre. i dont like Speed Metal, Death Metal Hardcore, Grindcore, or any of that other crap that is all screaming. if you like it, great. its not for me.
I love video games, but I hardly ever finish them.
I love photograpy, even though i am not real good.
I love roleplaying, though we can never keep a game going. :)
i love traveling. i have been to Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, and Macau. I have never been to Europe, but I want to.
since i love Pangya/Albatross 18 ill pimp the game for em.
i want more friends to play golf with. this is a damn fun game (kinda like hot shots golf, if ya like that you will like this) its online and free and fun. play golf with me.
Go help out one of my favorite charities. Childs Play is a Charity set up by Gabe and Tycho of Penny Arcade to help raise funds and through amazon.com wishlists donate games and other toys and stuff to various Childrens Hospitals across the US and now in other countries as well. Help Make a ptoentialy terrible time in a childs life much less so. go check out the website.
this layout was made by kat because she has mad html skills

My Interests

interests Music, Movies, Asian Music, Asian Movies, Asian Culture in general, Japanese Culture in specific, Japanese, Korean, Seifuku, Sleeping, Gadgets and Technology, Reading, Hiking, Climbing, Life, The Universe, Everything. My Friends, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Role Playing. D&;D and White Wolf Games. Video Games, Guild Wars specificly at the moment. The Internet, Taking Pictures, Messing with Pictures, Cookouts, Vikings, Mythology, Heroic Tales

I'd like to meet:

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music Dir en grey, Gackt, Malice Mizer,Seo Taiji, The Doors, Pink Floyd, Godsmack, t.A.T.u., Shina Ringo, S.H.E, Morning Musume, ZONE, Supercar, King Giddorah, Guitar Wolf, Miyavi, HALCALI, HYDE, Jin, Johhny Cash, Kagerou, Kamelot, Nirgilis, Rob Dougan, The Rasmus, MC Frontalot, Pimp Daddy Welfare, Kompressor, MC Hawking, Acid Android, BoA, Maki Goto, Aya Matsuura, Aya Ueto, Judy & Mary, NIN, S.H.E, Plain White T's, My Chemical Romance, 30 Seconds To Mars, Cute Is What We Aim For, Paramore, Hinder, Nickleback, Eve 6, Rammstein, The Fray, Snow Patrol, Meg & Dia, Alesana, Rebellion


movies My Sassy Girl, My Tutor Friend, Moon Child, Garden State, Lost in Translation, Aragami, 2LDK, Versus, Wasabi, The Last Unicorn, Lord of the Rings, Fulltime Killer, Flight of Dragons, Sideways, Samaria, Too Beautiful To Lie, Il Mare, Musa, Bichunmoo, Ping Pong, Twilight Samurai, Conan, Fulltime Killer, The Killer, Battle Royale, Totoro, A Clockwork Orange, Fiddler on The Roof, City Hunter, Sex is Zero, Better Luck Tomorrow, Azumi, Nin x Nin, Shanghai Noon, Shanghai Knights, Robot Carnival, The Princess Bride, Harrold And Kumar, Anything By Kevin Smith, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Dark Water (origional), Shall We Dance (origional), Lord Of The Rings, Harry Potter, Ewoks, The Origional (read GOOD) Star Wars Movies, Moksori (VOICE), Gomen, Guns and Talks, Legend of Evil Lake, the Life Aquatic, The Matador, Wild Zero, The Ring of the Nibelung


television Family Guy, Futurama, Gumiho (Fox With Nine Tales, Forbidden Love), Summer Snow, Reno 911, Chappelle Show, Metalacolypse, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Assy McGee, Heroes, Transformers, Simpsons, Dungeons & Dragons, Sailor Moon, Digimon, Pokemon, Galtar and the Golden Lance, Scooby Doo, Voltron, Venture Bros., He-Man, Captain N, Super Mario Super Show, Rob and Big, CSI, Law & Order, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Real Ghostbusters, The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest, Gundam Wing, Spartakus and The Sun Beneath The Sea, The Mysterious Cities of Gold, Galaxy Rangers, Silver Hawks, Get Smart, Inspector Gadget, Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors, Lonestar, Land of The Lost, She-Ra, Fantastic Max, Super Ted, The Legend of Zelda


books The Count of Monte Cristo ~ Alexander Dumas, The Lord of the Rings ~ J.R.R. Tolkien, The Dragonlance Chronicles ~ Margaret Weis &; Tracy Hickman, The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy ~ Douglas Adams, Harry Potter ~ JK Rowling, Battle Royale ~ Koshun Takami, A Clockwork Orange ~ Anthony Burgess, Ring ~ Koji Suzuki, The Legend Of Huma ~ Richard A. Knack, Neuromancer ~William Gibson, Idoru ~ William Gibson, Mona Lisa Overdrive ~ William Gibson, Vampire Hunter D ~ Hideyuki Kikuchi, Love Hina ~ Ken Akamatsu, Mahou Sensei Negima~ Ken Akamatsu, Marmalade Boy ~ Wataru Yoshizumi, Kodomo no Omocha ~ Miho Obana, Fruits Basket ~ Natsuki Takaya, Bastard!! ~ Kazushi Hagiwara, Windmasters Bane ~ Tom Deitz, The Hobbit ~ J.R.R Tolkien, Enders Game ~ Orson Scott Card, Speaker For the Dead, Xenocide, Children of the Mind, Enders Shadow, Shadow of the Hegemon, Shadow Puppets, Shadow of the Giant ~ All by Orson Scott Card


heroes Gackt


Ryuhei Kitamura

Gary Gygax

Johnny Cash



Seo Taiji

Solomon Kane

Nathan Explosion

Master Chief Petty Officer Spartan 117, John

Peter Wiggin

My Blog

some pictures

so recently i got a new camera.i have been taking a lot of pictures, this being the privilege of those with digital cameras and large memory cards.i have gotten some good pictures, some funny pictures...
Posted by Dugger Dagger Fist [HRD] on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 12:49:00 PST


im bored.  and i only have one blog entry. so i figure ill update with with this picture i found of Etna from Disgaea 2 and this picture of flonne... and while im at it, this picture of Lah...
Posted by Dugger Dagger Fist [HRD] on Tue, 09 May 2006 04:26:00 PST

Wanderer and the Colossus

I have been playin Shadow of the Colossus like mad and i am so very much in love with it. im jsut hopeing  that this dosent distract me from finishing Fable... its realy so very satisfying to se...
Posted by Dugger Dagger Fist [HRD] on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 11:25:00 PST