Donald Rilea-The Original Son Of A Bitch profile picture

Donald Rilea-The Original Son Of A Bitch

Larger Than Life, and Twice As Ugly!!!!

About Me

What can I say except that I'm a rather weird fellow from a very weird place, Las Vegas, Nv.Am a high-functioning autistic fella(That means an Autie who can walk, talk, sing, dance, joke and act almost like a Real Human Being;)), recently turned 40(Where does the Time go???), currently on Social Security Disability, and who lives with two beautiful, loving Cats who are far his Superiors in every way possible.I take and edit digital action figure pics as a means of artistic expression, social and political commentary, and, Hell, just 'cos I like action figures a whole bunch.History, Politics, Film, TV, Radio and all that other good hoo-ha are my primary interests, but I also enjoy watching human behaviour as well.Peoples is the Cwaziest Monkeys!!!! LOLMy musical tastes are varied, ranging from classical to some punk to Brit-Rock and Pop, a smidgen of Country, some Chinese and other folk and classical musics, national anthems, marches, political music of lotsa different stripes and time periods.In short, they're a mess, just like me:0!!!!Admired Film-Makers: Sergio Leone, Peter Watkins, Akira Kurosawa, and numerous others.What else to say about me??? Geez Louise, it's tough tryin' to come up with somethin' I've not already said before!!!!Have a pretty decent, if very black, sense of humour, and am just feelin' my way about in the world, just like Cats, which are my favourite creatures.Oh, as you may have noticed from the pics posted to my profile, I don't photograph at all well!!!!! LOLOh, well. Some people do, and some people don't, and that's why I've a face best suited for Radio!!!! LOL

My Interests

Oh, God!!! I over-wrote in the About Me section, so just check there for Interests and such.I can really over-do it sometimes.

I'd like to meet:

Passionate, but not completely mad, people who know and care about history, politics, art, cats, the state of world events and culture, but who have enough of a sense of humour and perspective to laugh at the more absurd aspects.Patience, especially with Yours Truly, is an added plus.BTW, did I mention I'm a Ten-Cent Socialist(Socialist by life experience and emotional conviction, not so much on doctrine)???? I didn't think so.However, like to meet people of various political persuasions for a good bit of civilised debate(No, Bill O'Reilly doesn't count as Civilised).As for anything else, just come as you are, and we'll un-pack souls and compare 'em.
123PicHosting.comLive Fast, Die Young


Just check the About Me section, yet again.Radio


Third Verse, Worse Than The First!!!!Which means, in Donald-Speak, just check the About Me section yet again!!!!


Here's something I DIDN'T cover in the About Me section(Thank God!!!)!!!Love science-fiction shows, including the original Star Trek series, Gerry Anderson's UFO and Space:1999 series(Hey, I know they're Hokey, but I like some of the music and other aspects of the shows), as well as Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda(not so much a fan of the stories and plots, but of the actresses on the show, as well as the inter-action between most of the cast members), as well as Monty Python's Flying Circus, Dave Allen At Large(a brilliant comedy show by an equally brilliant Irish comedian who had his hey-day in Britain back in the mid-and late '70's), the Avengers, and, on a far more contemporary note, the various Law And Order series, especially the original series and Law And Order:Criminal Intent, in which Vincent D'Onofrio does a brilliant re-interpretation of Columbo for contemporary audiences.Been nearly two years since I last up-dated any portion of this profile, but, among the tv shows I've since discovered since writing this in October, 2004, is a Canadian import called Da Vinci's Inquest. Love the show, the realistic feel that it has, the quality of the acting, and the endings which dare not to wrap everything up in one tidy little package.Those of you who are Canadian or who've seen the show will know precisely what I'm talking about.Also love documentaries and historical films, but generally can't stand "reality" shows, which are generally about as real, to me, as any badly-scripted sit-com currently running.


Used to do a bunch of reading, mainly historical accounts or about politics, film, what have you, but have fallen off of that in the past year or so.Just means that I have to get back to my local library and start devouring books again, that's all.Can't think of any favourite authors right now, but I think that's more a memory problem on my part than anything else.From the historical end of the spectrum, Bernard Fall and Alastair Horne are two of my favourites.From novels, Fyodor Dostoevsky would be another.From politics, Randolph Bourne and Gabriel Ezekiel are among my favourites from that end.


Heroes????Don't have any of those, sorry!!!!But, I do have people whom I intensely admire, like Mark Twain, Randolph Bourne(early 20th-Century American writer, commentator and radical who was disabled), Elvis Costello, and quite a number of other folks who escape me right at this moment!!!!

My Blog

One More News Sausage Link

Damned if I didn't nearly forget this last link on the whole Imus scandal, and that's to a link to a Washington Post story about the Rutgers women's basketball team, their achievements this season, wh...
Posted by Donald Rilea on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 10:37:00 PST

Sunday Link-Fest

For your consideration, am posting a number of links on the whole Don Imus brouhaha that has consumed much of the nation over the past two weeks.For my part, I should say that I paid no attention to t...
Posted by Donald Rilea on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 10:18:00 PST

Pages Turning And Re-Turning

Been on something of a People's Temple/Jonestown research kick this past week, ever since I saw the documentary "Jonestown" about the cult led by Rev. Jim Jones, how it came to be, and its disastrous ...
Posted by Donald Rilea on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 06:04:00 PST

Blame Somebody Else Day(Link)

Found this notice in a bulletin posted by the Right Honourable Ms. Blue Blood this evening, about a holiday that may or mayn't actually exist, but, either way, is just perfect for those of you out the...
Posted by Donald Rilea on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 09:38:00 PST

A Rainbow Of Cultures

A kind and wise friend of mine posted this into my Comments section here this evening. To be honest, am not sure why, and hope that it isn't because of anything insensitive or wrong that I might have...
Posted by Donald Rilea on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 11:23:00 PST

Last Easter Cartoon

The dialogue balloon in this pretty much says it all, though one should remember not all of Jesus' followers are of the bloated bigot type. Happy Easter to You All from Annabelle Lee, Amigo, and, of ...
Posted by Donald Rilea on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 02:28:00 PST

Jesus One

Of course, what would Easter be without some mention, however slight, of our Lord and Saviour???? Well, Kiddies, here's a side of Jesus that I, for one, never hope to see....
Posted by Donald Rilea on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 02:24:00 PST


Again, neither the cartoon's theme, nor kitties, have anything to do with Easter, except around my house, where the Easter Bun-Bun dareth not tread, for fear of being mugged by Annabelle and Amigo....
Posted by Donald Rilea on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 02:17:00 PST

One Sorry Duck

Got this from a MySpace friend of mine who posted this in my Comments section a few months back. OK, so it really doesn't have anything at all to do with Easter, aside from the rubber ducky, but ther...
Posted by Donald Rilea on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 02:12:00 PST

Easter Bun-Buns!!!!

Got this image from a British action figure collectors group I belong to, I think. Either way, Happy Easter!!!!...
Posted by Donald Rilea on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 02:07:00 PST