About Me
37yrs old,started breakin in 1984 with the SOUL SONIC ROCKERS a semi proffesional crew from hull(yeah stop an start backspin its mine!!!believe dat) . .(check the ssr page) have been DJing "professionally"! for 18 years,Bought first turntables in 1986, learnt to scratch at 15(left and right handed ),first club played at "The mighty JULIETS"(THANX TO MIKE MCKAY)onto KU2.OASIS,ROOM,FEZ,RHYTHMROOM,WELLY,ATTIC,FAVERSHAM.played on stage@.."THE HACIENDA" ,empire ballroom, warehouse(leeds) .wardrobe. no fakin, planetK,...."3 TIMES DMC UK finalist"...! 6xrunner up(regional finals).2xsingles released (CONMEN)14remixes(SICKBOYS)featured on kevin+perry soundtrack!played alongside some of the worlds greatest djs with "madskilz" CASH MONEY!! SCRATCH PERVERTS!DJ NOISE!KOOL HERC! CRAZE!VINROC!APOLLO!the list goes on...(big shout to severe+trick daddy origanals),...FAST-T reviewed in the book"ADVENTURES ON THE WHEELS OF STEEL"by dave haslem, done remixes for the likes of underworld- bedrock-grace- y-trax alongside pete lawford as ( SICKBOYS)resident dj @ REWIND since day 1 . . . . ..scratch for bands "DOCTOR DOT" + "SERIOUS LEE"!! ... started my own night "GREATEST BEATS" @ the lamp..(the third friday of the month EVERY MONTH)!!! currently playin all styles of music!!WHY?, cos good dj's can!! . . . . oh an ps, the vid is me breaking with "SOUL SONIC ROCKERS 1986"..also check out my DMC set from 2005......mspobj type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="all" height="278" width="445" align="middle"