Acting, Stand-Up, African Drumming, Bellydance, Modern Dance, Computers, Reading, Selp Actualization, Music, People, voice, health, working out,. I'm interested in just about everything.
Upbeat positive people. I'd especially like to meet people who are also going through life changes.
Favorites: Classic Rock, Hip-Hop, Old school soul, disco, seventies. But I like most of it.
Fight Club (yes!), anything by Kevin Smith (including Kevin Smith), Cat Woman, Pirates of the Caribbean, Highlander, Streets of Fire. I'm an action addict, so sue me.
CSI (all of them but especially the original), Without a Trace, Cold Case, NCIS, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel (before it got weird), Charmed, The Animal Planet channel, figure skating.
Deepak Chopra. Eckhart Tolle. "Loving What Is" by Katie Byron, anything by Laurell K. Hamilton or Janet Evanovich. The Harry Potter series. Most of Anne Rices's books.
Charlize Theron (The woman rocks, and also convinced me to not convince myself that I can do my own stunts, Monster freaked me out). Johnney Depp (He is so present and so f**king good). And anyone who knows what they have to do to try and make things better, and then does it. I wish I knew my role.