..and the hits keep on Coming! Another possible Obama crook! |
Senator Roland Burris could face perjury charges John O'Connor - Associated Press Writer - 2/15/2009 6:25:00 AM..SPRINGFIELD, Ill. - Raising fresh questions about his appointment to Congress, Sen. Rol... Posted by on Sun, 15 Feb 2009 17:13:00 GMT |
NEWS FLASH! - More info for my Obama blog |
Senator Gregg Statement on His Withdrawal for Consideration of U.S. Commerce Secretary Sen. Gregg (R-NH) stated, I want to thank the President for nominating me to serve in his Cabinet as Secretary o... Posted by on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 17:35:00 GMT |
Obama Admistration - "Nope & No change" |
The Obama Administration....Barrack Obama Senator (D-IL) no actual experience except community organizing....Joe Biden ole Joe" dumb as a post and likes to stick his foot in his mouth as much as ... Posted by on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 17:19:00 GMT |
Al Gore & you global warming people - YOU ARE IDIOTS! |
Al Gore & Gang - You are a bunch of fricckin' MORONS! Global warming is such bulls*t!
The headlines today:
Beijing's coldest December day in 57 years
Will Canada see its first white Christmas sinc... Posted by on Mon, 22 Dec 2008 00:31:00 GMT |
Oil Crisis? |
This so-called "Oil Crisis" is yet another attempt by greedy speculators to drive up the cost of oil and everything else for you and me. I am not convinced that supplies are tight and that we are runn... Posted by on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 15:58:00 GMT |
Global Warming Hoax - Again! |
Now I think the Global Warming Crowd should really be put in a mental hospital. Check this out!
"Obesity contributes to global warming"
0515... Posted by on Thu, 15 May 2008 19:35:00 GMT |
ATT/SBC DSL Service - Follow-up (Customer Service) |
In the past I wrote about my trials and tribulations about dealing with India or Banglasdesh or where ever, and the Portapotty talking people at SBC. They have gotten tricky. They now all of a sudden ... Posted by on Sat, 03 May 2008 07:25:00 GMT |
Taxes! Taxes! Taxes! |
Aside from the political battle going on, all I read about these days is how cash starved the States are and OMG! We need to raise taxes! Tax fast food, tax lawyers (not a bad idea), tax accounts... Posted by on Sat, 03 May 2008 07:15:00 GMT |
SBC/ATT DSL Internet and Outsourcing |
Our internet went down last night and I had a feeling it was SBC/ATT not us. See I have 3 different computers and have W98 & XP so if all 3 go down, 100% of the time it is the ISP or service provi... Posted by on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:13:00 GMT |
US Postal Service - Pricing themselves out of business |
The US Postal Service is GREEDY! Didn't they just raise the postage rates last year? Yes! ...and they came out with this stupid "forever stamp". What a joke. I used to use alot of postage for my busin... Posted by on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 13:07:00 GMT |