*Princess* profile picture


Rah Rah Rah! Gotta love drinkin schooners dropbear

About Me

This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help! Honestly, I know people usually try to sound witty or interesting or stunningly intellectual on these online profiles, and some people do very well - but I don't really care - at least I'm warning you. Ok so I live & work in NYC... So now I'm this boring yuppie (boring? me? ya right!) who commutes, has a gym membership and blah blah...I'm a fairly responsible "adult" who will be going to law school in the fall. Where you ask? That is a secret ;-) At any rate, I firmly believe in loopholes (and this is exactly what I told the admissions committees at the law schools I applied to). I like my steaks cooked very rare - lots of blood - which my boyfriend thinks is gross. I color-code just about everything. My fave branch of the military is the USMC - oooh rah! I open all my presents before Christmas Day to see what I got, then rewrap them- every year since I was 5 - which goes to show if people want to surprise me, I can't know about it...Joe, sorry I ruin all of your surprises baby...but I'm sure you still have some up your sleeve. ;-)

My Interests

Checking out non-boring stuff in NYC, ice hockey, photography, traveling, baseball (Yankees ROCK)- basically sports in general, going to the driving range (ie golfing city-style), doing crossword puzzles, the number 33, muscle cars esp. 1967 Chevy Chevelle Supersport, Adidas gazelles, sun showers, Modigliani, English bulldogs, Big Red, The Snoopy Snow Cone Machine, Tom Ford's last collection for Gucci, STARS, the beach, Fisher Price Castles, making the best chocolate milkshakes ever, rooftop sundecks, playing video games with my younger cousins til I get blisters on my thumbs, fireworks, getting stamped on my wrist, dirty water dogs with sauerkraut, real Coca-Cola, not waiting in line...and a whole host of other things I don't feel like listing

I'd like to meet:

Only those ones who I'd like to remember (the ones who are mad, starry, crazy & insane, those are the ones for me).Oh ya and Napoleon Dynamite ;-)


Fun Loving Criminals, Coldplay, Elliot Smith, 70's Santana, Modest Mouse, Public Enemy, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, disco, Hole, Moby, Kayne West, Bob Marley & early DMB. Recently I've been super into 70's and 80's rock like Van Halen, The Who, Heart, The Clash, Creedence, etc.


FAT PIZZA!!! ("Fat Pizza Pizzas, they're big & they're cheesy" -Bo Bo). Napoleon Dynamite, Trainspotting, Thirteen, Moulin Rouge, Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle, Empire Records, Sideways, Blow, Hackers, Love Me If You Dare, Zoolander, Clerks II, Fear & Loathing, Never Ending Story, Kill Bill, Next Stop Wonderland, Goonies, Office Space, The Beach (not for the acting, but for the amazing scenery in Thailand), Clueless, Boondock Saints, Lemony Snicket's, Beaches, Forrest Gump & zombie movies - I love getting freaked out watching them!


The Sopranos, Sex & The City, Reno 911, Dexter, Scrubs, any Yankees game (for that matter most ice hockey games as well), Entourage, Project Runway, The OC (so sad it ended), CSI, and Laguna Beach. And I love making fun of reality dating shows- literally yelling at the screen- shows like Blind Date, Elimidate, Next, Parental Control, etc.


Junky by William S. Burroughs, The Bell Jar, Prozac Nation and More, Now, Again, The Gossip Girl series (ya ya guilty pleasure), Bodega Dreams, anything by Julio Cortazar, Robert Frost's collection of poems, The Great Gatsby, Harriet the Sky, Where The Wild Things Are, Lolita, and Imagining Argentina.


Batman (he's way cooler than Superman). But seriously, my Mom who has such a loving heart and who while she is sometimes hard on me, is always there; my grandfather, Ito, who was just too cool for words; my Dad- who writes so many darn books, teaches, advises, runs around the world to conferences, but still has time to call me & make sure I'm not spending too much (and who epitomizes strong); and my grandmother: Ita- who always takes care of me (in oh so many ways) and has more energy to travel the world than people my age. Oh yes, and any enlisted Marines- you rock, gotta love the few & the proud! (ooh-rah!)

My Blog


I know I'm posting this pretty late seeing as how I got my score back 2 weeks ago, but things have been hectic with work & applications (and some fun with friends thrown in for good measure, when I ca...
Posted by *Princess* on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 10:54:00 PST

Aww, Look what Mami sent me over email...

I miss my Mami sooooo much, read what she wrote (I almost cired because I won't see her for another few months :-( Rebekah, Miss you lots, miss you when I shop, miss you when I go to Walgreens, CV...
Posted by *Princess* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Crappy Day

So Dia, I finally joined up! It's a nasty rainy day in Sydney, my ex just rung me and said (for the billionth time) that it won't work between us- funny how he's nice only when I show no interest... I...
Posted by *Princess* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I didn't realize how much I missed you until I was gone

For Devlin... :love:
Posted by *Princess* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


How the HELL did that happen? Why did they win??? I'm all the way in Australia and I can't even share the tears (and more than a few beers) w/ my fellow Yankee fans. Blah! And it's still raining!!
Posted by *Princess* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST