The Preamble to I Harpo: ...For lo, The Message was told thusly, not from a mere mid-morning distraction nor a cultural phenom, but by The Scion of the New Revelation: "Go Forth and spread a great warmth o'er the span, that all may know 'tis Love that matters not spite nor spectacle. Share The Love, Baby..."
Oprah con il Dr. Phil!!Some Kurosawa-packed-action.
Support local independent music. Choose what you listen to, don't let American Idol, the RIAA, Clear Channel or Disneychoose it for you...Let me... CollapsticatorRIP Fillmores
Have you ever seen that one with that one guy who hooks up with a girl, they do some stuff, then there are a few explosions, the guy and girl split up over a dumb misunderstanding, the bad guy hones in on the girl, and just before they do it, the guy and girl reconnect and kill the bad guy while at a very great height causing him to fall and land on something very sharp and quite possibly electrical, killing him spectacularly in a shower of blood and sparks? That's entertainment! Oh, and seek out Uso Justo a fun experimental romp from Minneapolis film maker Coleman Miller. Oh yeah, The American Astronaut is way cool too. How bout a little old school Woody? My Kung Fu is very good...Will fight demonic undead...Supermen around the world...Indian Spiderman is hot...
Television is a blighted landscape. Even with cable its all rot, now we have 500 channels of blech to choose from. That being said I am a sucker for the cheesy sci-fi offerings found on Encore or Flix mid-mornings and late at night...Also check out RetroPlex for some classic 70's cinema... Remember Mystery Science Theater 3000?
My favorite books are: The Six Books of Harpo (especially I Harpo, III Harpo, IV Harpo, V Harpo), Where The Wild Things Are, Oh, and Joy of Cooking... The works of Malcolm Babbit...
Kurt Vonnegut among others. Also, Stephen Colbert, bring on the "truthiness"...