Maya Queen of Chocolate :-) profile picture

Maya Queen of Chocolate :-)

A prisoner of my own desires

About Me

Dance (ballet/jazz/ethnic), travel (in the past 1.5 years to Costa Rica, Sweden, Denmark, UK, and NOW on my way to New Zealand), out-door activities of any and all kinds (roller-blading, tennis, hiking, running, surfing...) Work? yeah, that's important too - so I got one of those 'Job' deals. Don't hate it, it pays the bills :) Teach kids' dance classes, perform in shows sometimes... your basic right brain/left brain balance (I hope). Ofra Haza - Yerushalaim Shel ZahavHami Moshe - Nishba (I swear)

My Interests

Which female dancer from the American Ballet Theatre are you?
You are Veronika Part!Congratulations! You're a rising star. We haven't seen you in much but what we've seen has left us wanting more...and you have great feet.
Take this quiz !

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I'd like to meet:

Cool people, Funny people :) (I don't care if they're 'Funny Looking', but do like 'funny ha ha') *** Haim Mose - Toda (thank you)Yoav Itzhak and Haim Moshe - Ad Sof Haolam (Till the End Of the World)Haim Moshe - Kol Nedarai("All My Vows)Eyal Golan - Mitgaagea ("Missin you")Dana International - DIVA


Richard Jeni Martha Stewart

Add to My Profile | More VideosRichard Jeni - Political Parties

Add to My Profile | More VideosFrom classical to Rock to Classic Rock, Alternative to Spanish pop... just about anything... except boy/girl-flavor-of-the-month bands (eek)


'Wings of Desire' by Wim Wenders - Don't bother with the Hlywd remake 'City of Angels' see the original. 'The Princess Bride' by Rob Reiner - One of the Best.


some. The West Wing, is one of my Favs. Brilliant writing (the acting does not suck either). The Simpsons - what can i say... actually, nothing I Could say would do it justice, so I'll just leave it at that. Guilty pleasure - Gilmore girls. Yeah I know! so what? It's not like I'll give up Ballet class to Actually be home to watch it.


Fiction (Big fan of the Harry Potter stuff), Science fiction - Isaac Asimov (classic), Historical Novels - Isabele Allende (love her writing)

My Blog

Who's to say what is 'Normal'? :-)

Are You Normal? Your Normalcy Quotient is: 43 out of 100. Your quiz results make you a Marvelous MaverickGiddy-up partner. You're a maverick and don't know what the definition of normal is. That's a-o...
Posted by Maya Queen of Chocolate :-) on Sat, 06 May 2006 06:03:00 PST

new adventure/s - in New Zealand

So, from the book of "Life's too short" and the sequel "you only live/young once" (and some other clichés), when a friend said he was going to travel to New Zealand, I said: Take me with you.  As...
Posted by Maya Queen of Chocolate :-) on Wed, 11 Jan 2006 05:17:00 PST