Literature, philosophy, theology, social justice, and music.
I'd like to meet:
Composers (classical and jazz); musicians; people interested in American, British, or Latin American literature, social justice, philosophy, or theology.
Chamber music; string quartets; Bach (Papa); 20th and 21st century; Chopin; jazz; opera,especially Puccini; Byrd's Masses; Shostakovich's piano Preludes/Fugues; Stravinsky (everything); Lukas Foss (Baroque Variations); Penderecki (Threnedy for the Victims of Hiroshima); Ligeti (string quartet); Britten (cello suites); Machault's Notre Dame Mass; Gregorian/Ambrosian chant, Heinrich Schutz' Penitential Psalms; Debussy, Satie, and Ravel--piano music; Messiaen (Méditations sur le mystère de la Sainte Trinité); Bartok (string quartets); Beethoven (late quartets); Schönberg, piano music; Webern; Daniel Kessner; Aurelio de la Vega; Mozart (piano sonatas/concerti); anything played by Artur Rubinstein.
In progress: The Aeneid (Virgil, Fagles trans.); Genesis, Studies in Hebrew Narrative & Poetry (David W. Cotter); The Symposium (Plato, trans. and commentary by R.E. Allen).
Recently finished:The Life You Save May Be Your Own (Paul Elie); Flannery O'Connor--Voice of the Peacock (Kathleen Feeley); Art and Scholasticism (Jacques Maritain); The Penitent (Isaac Bashevis Singer), The Iliad and The Odyssey (Fagles trans.) Six Characters in Search of an Author, It Is So (If You Think It Is So), and Henry IV (Pirandello in Naked Masks), The Cost of Discipleship and Letters and Papers from Prison (Bonhoeffer), The Stranger (Camus, Ward trans.), The Rise of Silas Lapham (Howells), Death in Venice (Mann, Koelb trans.), and Moby-Dick (Meville).
Harriet Tubman and Phil Berrigan.