play/okay Promotions profile picture

play/okay Promotions

We can help you get your music heard! Woo!

About Me

play/okay Promotions is looking to help MySpace artists with getting their music heard. MySpace is an incredibly powerful site for artists, you can get gigs, radio play and even record deals from this site if you're good enough and you know how to promote yourself.
We can help you get your music heard.
Feel free to email us or add us on msn at [email protected]
Please feel free to send us your banner codes, if we like you we'll put it into our Band Archive , if we don't like you..we might do it anyway. Because we're lovely people. All we ask is that you put ours up on your profile in return.
If you need help creating a banner code to help promote your music don't hesitate to ask us for help.
Join the play/okay Promotions group here . Join to promote your music, network with bands/artists and to discover some great music!
Help us help YOU! Copy and paste the following html code into your own profiles. Thanks!
Good News! We can help you get your music heard! Woo!
Good News! We can help you get your music heard! Woo!

My Interests


Member Since: 12/26/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Check out the following bands!

Jumbo Pastry - Folk / Acoustic / Alternative
Doves And Chocolate - Acoustic / Folk / Indie
Ceylan Hay - Folk / Folk Rock / Acoustic
The Switch - Indie / Alternative / Psychedelic
The Renegades - Indie / Alternative / Rock
Matthew Harris - Folk / Acoustic / Indie

Listen to the scrotum-scratchingly good bands in the play/okay Promotions Band Archive !
Influences: The incredibly cool folks involved with play/okay
are so awesome it'd take a rediculous amount of time and space to list everything we listen to. So instead here's a very select few...

Bob Dylan, Bright Eyes, Nick Drake, Leonard Cohen, John Lennon, The Beatles, Van Morrison, Neil Young, Kaki King, Jim Croce, Cat Stevens...

And the hundreds of unsigned bands and artists we know and love here at MySpace.
Sounds Like: Us superheroes here at play/okay love music. Any kind of music is better than no music right? Any genre of music is acceptable and admirable. If you think otherwise you're a laprocket.
Type of Label: None

My Blog


We got a LOT of bands and things to do things for and so sometimes we might miss a comment or message..please don't take it as a hint if we don't reply right away. We'll always TRY to get back to all ...
Posted by play/okay Promotions on Wed, 04 Jan 2006 08:40:00 PST


Check it out here. Join now to promote your music, network with bands/artists and to discover some great music!...
Posted by play/okay Promotions on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 10:07:00 PST


Due to more banner requests than we have spare time, some of your banners may be forgotten or lost in the masses of messages in our inbox. So please don't take it as a sign if we don't reply right awa...
Posted by play/okay Promotions on Thu, 29 Dec 2005 08:03:00 PST