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Lower your expectations and be happier!

About Me

Only when I am quiet for a long time and do not speak do the objects of my life draw near. Shy, the scissors and spoons, the blue mug. Hesitant even the towels, for all their intimate knowledge and scent of fresh bleach. How steady their regard as they ponder, dreaming and waking, the entrancement of my daily wanderings and tasks. Drunk on the honey of feelings, the honey of purpose, they seem to be thinking, a quiet judgment that glistens between the glass doorknobs. Yet theirs is not the false reserve of a scarcely concealed ill-will, nor that other, active shying: of pelted rocks No, not that. For I hear the sigh of happiness each object gives off if I glimpse for even an instant the actual instant – As if they believed it possible I might join their circle of simple, passionate thusness, their hidden rituals of luck and solitude, the joyous gap in them where appears in us the pronoun I Jane Hirschfield

My Interests

"Mr. Okada," she said, "I believe that you are entering a phase of your life in which many different things will occur. The disappearance of your cat is only the beginning." "Different things," I said, "Good things or bad things?" "She tilted her head in thought. "Good things and bad things. Bad things that seem good at first, and good things that seem bad at first." "That sounds very general," I said. "Don't you have any more concrete information?" "Yes, I suppose what I am saying does sound unspecific," said Malta Kano. "But after all, Mr. Okada, when one is speaking of the essence of things, it often happens that one can only speak in generalities. Concrete things capture one's attention, but they are often little more than trivia. Side shows. The more one tries to see into the distance, the more generalized things become." I nodded silently - without the slightest inkling of what she was talking about. "_blank">

I'd like to meet:

Endora, Pinnocchio, Lestat, Jesus, Krishna, Spock, Data, Hal, Carol Anne, the whole blessed super-human pantheon. Become my zombie minion!


AUTISTIC LICENSE , Bongwater, Cocteau Twins, Talking Heads, Nina Hagen, Laurie Anderson, Aphex Twin, Stereolab, The Residents,Sugarcubes, Butthole Surfers, Kristen Hersh, Infected Mushroom, Nico, Dead can Dance, The Cure, His Name is Alive, Senor Coconut, Siouxsie, Yoko Ono, Brasil 66, The Smiths, Antony and the Johnsons, Towa Tei,Mrs. Elva Miller, Throwing Muses, The Nods of Recognition, The Tigerbeat


Water, Blissfully Yours, Palindromes, Mysterious Skin, Stalker, Tideland, Half Nelson, The Werckmeister Harmonies,The Exterminating Angel, Yossi & Jagger, Sitcom, 3 Dancing Slaves, Wild Reeds, Eating Out, Breakfast on Pluto, Spirited Away, The Happiness of the Katakuris, Ringu, Fire Walk With Me, Brokeback Mountain, Female Trouble, Gerry. Mystery Science Theater, yeah. And although I'm no fan of Martin Scorsese, I still almost always agree with this guy .


Cookie Party


Octavia Butler, Haruki Murakami, Katherine Dunn, Augusten Burroughs, Pema Chodron, William Burroughs, Gertrude Stein


Siddh!!!Amy Goodman, Amy Sedaris, Ami Murray, Timothy Treadwell, Stephen Colbert, Mahatma Gandhi, Roen, Milo, Frida, Donna Williams, Jetsun Milarepa, Temple Grandin, Henry Darger, Daniel Johnston, Daniel Tammet, Daniel Babcock, Paul Lafolley, The Brilliant Hen

My Blog

Consolation Prize

I called 22 senators today to protest the revised bailout bill. Got kinda amped up on this issue. The bill passed , but still has to go through the House. I console myself with this:Four Reasons why ...
Posted by Xian on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 10:44:00 PST

The Bailout is happening despite overwhelming public opposition...

So write/call your senators NOW to oppose the revised bailout, remove Henry Paulson for conflict of interest! Defeating the revised Paulson bill could save our economy, not to mention each of us from ...
Posted by Xian on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 11:48:00 PST

Bush’s Last Stand Pt. 2

Congratulations, Corporate Crime Fighters! Coup Averted for Three Days! ...From Michael Mooreby Michael MooreFriends,Everyone said the bill would pass. The masters of the universe were alrea...
Posted by Xian on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 12:05:00 PST

Bush's Last Stand

The Rich Are Staging a Coup This Morning ...a Message From Michael Mooreby Michael MooreFriends,Let me cut to the chase. The biggest robbery in the history of this country is taking place as...
Posted by Xian on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 10:32:00 PST

McCain’s Body Language

Here's an interesting article from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/frans-de-waal/nervous-old-male _b_129903.htmlNervous Old Maleby Frans de WaalDavid Broder in the Washington Post of September 28, 2008, ...
Posted by Xian on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 09:09:00 PST

Dusty! is my playa name

I am leaving for Black Rock City tomorrow! Almost done packing (although you're never done packing)and looking forward to having my reality shaken, stirred, and thoroughly destroyed.Come visit me at ...
Posted by Xian on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 12:37:00 PST

Stay off the Grass.

Illinois loves lawns. And I'm sorry, that kind of makes me hate Illinois. But now and then, at a train stop, in between suburbs, you run across what happens when people stop compulsively con...
Posted by Xian on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 08:01:00 PST

Take it or Leave it

Notwithstanding that the bulk of "Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn consists of a psychic dialogue between a human and a guru-like gorilla, and despite the fact that in attempting to create an alternative...
Posted by Xian on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 06:03:00 PST

Dream life

We met this fabulous old gay guy in Bangkok that lives in Sebastapol, too, when he's not in even more fabulous places. Went to dinner at his house on Tuesday night.I was apprehensive because I'd had ...
Posted by Xian on Fri, 23 May 2008 06:46:00 PST

More drunk than proud

So we go to Pride to help my friend Peter publicize his site http://www.beonecity.com ( a global community for hiv+ men). I kind of envisioned sitting bored in a booth all day, but of course the first...
Posted by Xian on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 09:05:00 PST