www.djbriangardner.com, www.waxaddict.com, www.music-101.com, www.djbrendad.com, djing , writing music , my baby bd
I would like to invite everyone out on Wednesday October 10th, 2007 for my Birfday Party!
Music 101, Relode & Spybar
Kicking off every Wednesday
Spy Bar
The Birthday Boy...
Brian Gardner
(Soul Foundation, Loveslap!)
Fred Everything
(Om Recrods - Montreal)
Gene Farris
(Farris Wheel Recordings)
$10 Cover without RSVP
RSVP for comp admission before midnight
10 pm - 4 am
Book your events with us, contact [email protected].
Text music101 to 99158 to RSVP or get SMS updates and info directly to your phone.
Spy Bar
646 North Franklin
Chicago, IL 60610
United States
Brian G @ Ohm 2007
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house,disco,techno,jazz,funk,rock anything that sounds good
to many to name
simpsons,sopranos,mash,6 feet under,arrested development
vurt, last night a dj saved my life, lord of the rings, the hobit,the four agreements