what metal genre are you? Your Result: Power Metal
Like dragons and swords eh?. Well you are an aquired taste but the guitar solos and amazing vocals make up for the lack of brains in the lyrics and subject matter department rock on you crazy dio lover rock on
Sthepen King's was one of my fevaurite, now everything regarding Holy grail, J.R.R.Tolkien, Norse Mithology, History of the Serene Highness Republic of Venice.
Storicamente parlando: Marcantonio Bragadin, Agostino Barbarigo, Marco Polo, Piero Loredan, William Wallace. Eroi moderni: Cristian Contin, Fausto Faccia, Bepin Segato. Ma anche Marco Pantani e Cristian Modolo.
Skill, wisdom, adaptation. Craft, cunning, depending on dignity.
Eleoquent and charismatic both verbally and in writing,