I was born and raised in Missouri, went to the University of MO-Columbia where I was a Golden Girl and a Tri-Delta. I got my degree in Apparel Merchandising and Marketing. I married Darren MacDonald, also a Mizzou grad and former football player, and we now have 3 beautiful children. I now teach dance as well as aerobics, yoga, and pilates. I have two brothers, Brian and Brad. Brian is the best bartender in KC and no longer works at re:Verse on the Plaza. Brad is an Ultimate Fighter and the best looking man in the UFC with the best looking sister in the UFC, HA!! I spend my time teaching group fitness classes, running kids to soccer, football, dance, gymnastics, tae kwon do, etc. and have become a serious UFC junkie! I also like to spend time with my crazy, fun circle of girlfriends.
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