Totally Conversed...
So Folks,Doses has returned from a harrowing foray into the wild world of the recording arts. In the process of plastering signal to tape, we laid waste to three instrument amplifiers, one behemoth speaker cabinet, and four human beings - all smoldering and sizzling in our wake. We hope to offer this slab o' noise to you - pressed on virgin 180g salvia divinorum (100x of course) - in a timely manner but you know how these things go. So, if you catch us out on the mean streets, stuff a friendly dollar in our collective thong and the Doses commodity shop process will be expedited. Otherwise be prepared to purchase increasing amounts of oddly lukewarm import beers at our performances...
- Dose Twopee.ess. some video equipment was privy to our latest correspondence and is now "merged on tha netwerks" i.e. youtube. enter "doses people" and witness us skulk in the shadows