Chip Future. Magic powers. Garden gnomes. Kirin. Indian Food. Oriental Secrets. Dressed up animals. Fresh young coconuts. Chinatown. Secret Hobo spices. Penguins. T-Rex's. Mama Wanga. Sashimi. Domo Kun. Star Trek. Caramel shisha. Conspiracy theories.
Domo Kun!
Herban Media's Myspace Tools
New Wave Hookers 2
Mr Show - Venture Bros. - Simpsons - Chapplle Show - Insomniac - Comedians of Comedy - Futurama - Family Guy - The Young Ones - Black Adder Series - Red Dwarf - Uncle Floyd - STNG - Politically Incorrect - Robot Chicken - Sifl and Olie - Nova - Penn and Teller's Bullshit thinkin' im thinkin'...
Max Cleland, Barney Frank, Howard Dean, Batman, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Randi Rodes, Sam Seder...