So you're all smart people. I imagine most of you will have figured out by now that Miocene is no more.
There's logic to announcing it now of course: there's no point touring a record that's a year old. There's no point finding a bassist who doesn't fit as well now as Alex did then. There's no point insulting a record which I spent three years of my life on, with a substandard live rendition.
But ultimately, what it comes down to is the fact that Miocene has been our personal priority for six or seven years, and none of us are in a position to continue that anymore - we haven't been for some time. Miocene never made us any more, and it was a time-consuming beast - Leo has a child, we all have our own personal responsibilities, and even with a bassist, we couldn't work full time and give Miocene the time it deserved.
I'm sorry we didn't announce this before; for the last year or so, we couldn't announce it officially without screwing our label out of money - and though we formed this label with Harvey B/Martin Calculated, the financial responsibility was entirely theirs, and they deserved the chance to make their money back for having the balls to take a chance on us.
I have a few hundred emails in my inbox, ten pages of new friend requests since I signed in a few weeks ago. The support we've received over this time is incredible and I thank you all for it. It's been an awesome ride and now I'm at the other side of it, I don't feel empty, I feel elated - that I've met so many good people, that so many people were affected by us, that we got to tour with bands we respected and loved.
More than anything, I feel proud to know that we never compromised anything we released, we never put music into the world that we didn't think was the very best we could do at that time, irrespective of style or genre or concept - and the reason we felt able to do that was down to you, the people who bought our albums. We knew you were smart enough to get it and I'll never stop being grateful and astonished that we were able to get away with it for so long.
Running at you with the future in my fists.