Cristina profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I haven't owned a car in over a year. I use either public transportation, my bike, or my own two feet to get me where I need and want to go. It has helped humble me as a person, and has developed from confidence and discipline. As bizarre and cheesy as this sounds, it has also allowed me to not give in or give up. I'm searching for my passion in life which is simplicity in enjoying my family and friends and being happy whatever I'm doing wherever I am and achieving true peace. For me, success is not found in what you have achieved, but rather in who u have become. Cuando hacemos lo mejor que podemos, nunca sabemos qué milagro se produce en nuestra vida o en la de otros.
I don't like to 'sweat the small stuff' and want to enjoy Right now! and damn the poor choices I make today because I don't want to waste my time because I think that's the most valuable thing you will never get back. Wearing flip-flops is what I do. I'm laid back until you do something that warrants a loss of integrity, then were just acquaintances at best. I like to KEEP IT REAL. Be honest, let the shit hit the fan if you have to tell it like it is. I don't content myself with the obvious so i ask lots of questions and I Wonder why and try to find the answers. Most of the things I do is because I really want to, and when I really want to do something I owe it to myself to do so I don't regret not doing later, even if things turn out shitty as fuck! and not the way I intended...yeah I love the f-word fo sho! haha still, I love taking chances and risks and not afraid to make a change!
Well I like making coquito and sharing it at parties with my many non Boricua buddies and I going to BBQ's and eating a shitload of chicken wings. Reading Surfer, but curling up with a good book is more time well spent. I have a sweet tooth, and I beileve in eating sweets or any sort of chocolate everyday! Induldging in restaurants all the time because it's quite an adventure. If you take me to dinner I will clean you out! I like writing letters to great friends and giving them gifts that I know they'll like. I hate clubs. Hanging out at dive bars and playing pool is more my speed. I love doing shots, and 'Happy Hour' is one of the best times of the day. Working in a cubicle in a desk is a nightmare to me. I love Tetris, PacMan and nerdy board games like Cranium and Pictionary. If I could be rich and never work a day again I would spend my life traveling and helping people. I love hanging out on the beach and laying down in a hammock and doing absolutley nothing. I have dyed my hair so many different colors from hot barbie pink to black, and yet I always end up to a burnt blonde/brown! I hate dating...if I'm not in a relationship I hate running my credentials by strangers and do the 'going out' thing, really, I just want a good lay once in awhile ha ha! My favorite reggea song is '96 degrees in the shade' because I like it HOT! Literally Anything under 70 degrees is chilly...I take naps during the day when I can because I enjoy being lazzzzy. Hats and big sunglasses is what I rock. Medalla tastes better in a can, and I love surfing the net for interesting shit and skating on my gravity board. One of my main goals is travel as much as I can. I hate stability, and have spent most my life doing so and have been to Japan, Korea, Thailand, Hawaii, Okinawa, England, Germany, Ireland, Paris and Amsterdam. I'll take any opportunity to go anywhere and everywhere! If we are good friends, I will most likely have gone out of my way to see you, no trip is too far for good people. Central and South America are places I defenitly want to go to next.
It's always a bizarre feeling when I am 'inland' and not home, that raises the bar because then I have to live the daily grind outside that box. It's all good, there's plenty to do in life, although, I think that there's no truer place than an island because it convinces me that there is such a place as the present. And although I am reserved at first, the people who I am close too know I love them very much.

My Interests

I love the beach life and it is who I am. Surfing is my most favorite and passionate thing to do in the world. When I can't do that, I like being outdoors: swimming, snorkeling, sun tanning and beachcombing. I LOVE Halloween! Camping, making drinks-especially frozen margaritas, reading, watching movies, taking pictures, living the nightlife, taking road trips and enjoying good company.

I'd like to meet:

good people, who know the thin line between what is right, and the easy thing to do...

.. a


Favorites are Jack Johnson & Sublime (especially 40 oz to Freedom) and reggea-Cultura Profetica, Bob Marley, Mana, Tito Nieves, Ludacris, Tego Calderon, y Juan Luis Guerra, I am a fan of Garth Brooks because I enjoy his lyrics, and the soundtracks to The September Sessions and Thicker Than Water.


I love watching movies! And I hope life is really like the movie 'What Dreams May Come', but the best epic adventure of all time is Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom! I only own movies I will watch and enjoy forever. The Goonies, Big Fish, A Christmas Story, Ice Age, Contact, Hero, The Sweetest Thing, Meet Joe Black, The Wedding Date, Groundhog Day, The Notebook, The Thin Red Line, The Beach, Soul Plane, War of the Worlds, Legends of the Fall, ah and surf movies Drive Thru Japan, Step Into Liquid and the shit is Loose Change.


Lost has me hooked, and I can always watch endless reruns of Sex & the City, Ren & Stimpy Show, and Friends. Saved by the Bell-Zach Attack anyone? Reality TV is always ridiculous fun, Discovery & National Geographic channels, a few minutes of the News is always crucial, especially Glenn Beck & Nancy Grace.


The Four Agreements, An Open Heart, Skeleton Crew, National Geographic, TransWorld Surf and Shape mags...


My parents Isabel and Reinaldo are my heros...they are the most genuine people I have ever know and you can hope to meet. My mom is my goal in life and by that I mean I look up to her on how to work on being a better person. I want a clean and compassionate soul and that is hard and consistent work.

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