My fave co-ed God's Gift to us....and Im the best aunty in the world....LOVE U Jonathan!!I KNOW YOU SEE ME LOOKING AT YOU AND YOU ALREADY KNOW.When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin." I'm whispering "I was lost," Now I'm found and forgiven. When I say..."I am a Christian" I don't speak of this with pride. I'm confessing that I stumble and need CHRIST to be my guide. When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not trying to be strong. I'm professing that I'm weak and need HIS strength to carry on. When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not bragging of success. I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess. When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not claiming to be perfect, My flaws are far too visible but, God believes I am worth it. When I say... "I am a Christian" I still feel the sting of pain, I have my share of heartaches So I call upon His name. When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not holier than thou, I'm just a simple sinner who received God's good grace, somehow. ~Maya Angelou~
Take it back to '99 Rodeo Drive, LA=Ballin!!!
A little bit of everything, except hardcore rock, hardcore country, or anything that has Satan involved.
Finding Nemo, King Kong, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Scarface, The Notebook, Armegeddon, Meet the Parents, Dodgeball, Remember the Titans
LOST, Wayans Brothers, Fresh Prince of Belair, Friends, Girlfriends, Sex in the City, Law and Order, THe White Rapper Show - come know you like it!!!
The Firm, The Testement, The Last Juror. Obviously, my favorite author is John Grisham...Can you keep a secret, Confessions of a Shopaholic, All of sydney sheldon!
My daddy, mommy, and my sister...incredible people....