Counter Recruitment profile picture

Counter Recruitment

Education, Not Ammunition!

About Me

We are a team of organizers dedicated to raising awareness about the presence of JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) programs and military recruiters in high schools, particularly in the city of Boston.

We feel that the military should not be a part of students’ education.

We oppose JROTC because:

We feel that JROTC is an indirect form of military recruitment.

We've documented that schools in cities and low-income districts are more likely to have JROTC programs than those in suburbs.

We feel that money for education should be spent on teaching kids a curriculum free of military bias.

My Interests

Even if you completely disagree with our views, please take a minute to fill out our JROTC questionnaire. All of the questions are completely optional.

1) From what perspective are you filling out this questionnaire?
2) Have you ever or are you currently taking a JROTC class?
Yes No3) If so, how did you become enrolled in the class?
4) In your opinion, what is the main objective of JROTC? (Max 200 chars.)
5) Are JROTC students treated fairly?
How so or how not so? (Max 200 chars.)
6) Are JROTC students encouraged to enlist in the military?
Max 200 chars:7) What is the best aspect of JROTC?
8) What is the worst aspect?
9) Do you have any questions, suggestions or additional comments?
10) This section is entirely optional - What is your:First name:


Location (city, state and/or country):

School (if applicable):

Profile URL or web page:

Email address:

I'd like to meet:

We're interested in meeting anyone who's devoted to raising awareness about JROTC programs and military recruitment in high schools, or willing to learn some new information at the very least.

You are not alone! Add your zip code to our map to show others that they are not alone in standing up for what they believe is right. Click the map and drag your mouse pointer to view different areas of the country.

Counter Recruitment | Add yourself!
Photos | Forums


We listen to all different kinds of music, but one kind we're particularly inspired by is political hip hop:

Here are the Myspace profiles belonging to the artists above:

Binary Star
Dead Prez
Foundation, The
Geto Boys
Ill Bill
Immortal Technique
Mos Def
One Be Lo
Perceptionists, The
Saul Williams

Please feel free to comment on, question, or make suggestions about our selection. We'd love to find more socially and politically inspired music of any genre.


Winner of the Grand Jury Prize at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival, this sobering documentary examines the rise of the American war machine since World War II.

"Why We Fight"

Check out the movie's trailer here .

Read an in-depth review here .

During the current Iraq War the U.S. use of radioactive DU weapons increased from 375 tons used in 1991 to 2200 tons. Today, half of the 697,000 U.S. Gulf War troops from the 1991 war have reported serious medical problems and a significant increase in birth defects among their newborn children.

"Poison DUst"

What is Depleted Uranium? Check out Wikipedia's entry on DU.

Read an article about Depleted Uranium from the Sunday Herald here .


Channel One News
According to's "About Channel One" section,
"Channel One News is the leading source of news and information for young people. The 12-minute news broadcasts are delivered daily to more than seven million teens in middle schools and high schools across the country, nearly 30 percent of teenagers in the U.S. Channel One News has covered fast-breaking world events from regions such as Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Thailand, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Jordan, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Myanmar, and Qatar."
Channel One also comes complete with daily military recruitment ads. Check out Dr. Teresa Whitehurst's article entitled, "Do You Know What Your Kids Are Watching on "Educational" TV at School?" regarding Channel One.
Iraq Veterans Against The War
Check out these videos of U.S. veterans from Iraq describing their experiences of war and speaking out against the injustices done to them and other soldiers:
These videos and others can be found at .


The U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) estimates that nearly 200,000 veterans are homeless on any given night.

Here's How You Can Help

My Blog

"Hitler Youth" vs. JROTC: Program similarities

A friend of mine recently brought up an interesting point regarding parallels drawn between "Hitlerjugend," the Nazi youth party of 1922-1945 and JROTC. Here is the web address for Wikipedia's encycl...
Posted by Counter Recruitment on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 01:03:00 PST

Violence instills confidence and leadership.. or does it?

I spend a lot of my time in the JROTC discussion forums giving my opinions, asking questions and learning about JROTC from cadets themselves. One of the groups I'm a member of is called "JROTC Nazi's....
Posted by Counter Recruitment on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 03:06:00 PST


Since the creation of this profile in December of 2005, we have received over 1500 messages. As part of the maintenance of this profile, we've documented and saved each of the messages sent to us by m...
Posted by Counter Recruitment on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 03:02:00 PST

The "No Child Left Behind" Act (do you know about this?)

Overview(excerpt taken from No Child Left Behind Act, signed into law by President George W. Bush on January 8, 2002, is supposedly designed to impact the way children...
Posted by Counter Recruitment on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 07:16:00 PST

Why we find JROTC to be an indirect form of military recruitment

Even if you disagree with our opinions about JROTC, please read through this blog to gain a better understanding of where we're coming from.JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) is a program t...
Posted by Counter Recruitment on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 08:43:00 PST

Nine things to keep in mind when speaking with a recruiter

Here is a list of nine things to keep in mind when speaking with a military recruiter, according to Project Yano. Feel free to download the source document (in PDF format) from Project Yano's resource...
Posted by Counter Recruitment on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 05:56:00 PST