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mwanAfriKa, lyannaj1: http://www.ileaiye.com.br/

About Me

ayas mIndscape.borders are not clearly defined. gravity close to zero in her space. still here are some *constants*........ i is we.i n i.love people. child of an outernational african romance, zaIone in my heart, my everything. destination, roll back river jordan. expectation, this afriKan nation.still pouring libations of tears over my ignorance of creole and baoule. music recalls teaches and makes the I feel about I.my best friend indeed.reggae, my foundation.rastavibes. ngatê tro.ngasro.allanikro:i belong to you. survival.addicted to afrika by night.bisso na bisso.smart looks, zouk, ndombolo, sweat and champagne. committed to Mamas liberation.melaneted man and child.uhuru deep in my mind.i loves we.beautiful. for life.

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My Interests

wOrdS.OuNd.POWER! radio's echo as my abeng. uttering and birthing experiences. anthropological perspective's analysis: understanding society and bring ourstory. chacha.shaka.shekere.sistrum.

I'd like to meet:

elders!!!!!! who trod this Afrakan liberation path and their blessed counselling and prayers.stella orakwue (new african writer) so many things to speak about with her, 2 pages a month are too short!! mutabaruka: loved to co-host 'cuttin edge' with the elder......paul gilroy so he'll tell me about this anti anti essentialism thing or how 2be a well balanced black folk in this 'post modern era'......already met linton kwesi johnson but i still dont know what he thinks about padmore's communism or panafricanism?????repatriation time... how r we gonna answer Mama's call?


the one that makes me feel the smell and the vibration of the womb of the earth, deep and vital like the reggae hearbeat/ music that tells story, mystory/ music that makes me move my hips and feel the heat, like sweet rub a dub/ melodies of love that carry the african languages' tone and sensual guitars, like in the congolese rumba.


mozi.mignonne.isso.api.affihoua.kéodara.daba.gboko.AnicKAnf er: Isis.taz stories + clifford.charles'visual poems.


gap-radio.com /global Africa from Brixton, London: ORDINARY (and non)afrikan voices. +++++++radyotanbou.com/sound of A.FREEd(gwo)KA in Basse Terre, Gwadloup+++++++harambeeradio.com/the smoothness of black love in musical notes


CESAIRE... "cahier d'un retour au pays natal"


ancient and experienced ones

My Blog


500 G pour seulement 10 euros!!!provenance GUINEE CONAKRY.contact: [email protected]
Posted by aya on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 12:11:00 PST

Renaître, aprézan ! par E. Glissant et P. Chamoiseau

Paix et Lumière!je relaie une info dehttp://www.gensdelacaraibe.orgqui peut être un départ intéressant, pour discuter des réalités très PRESENTES partout où les enfants de MamAfrika ont échoué (image...
Posted by aya on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 01:13:00 PST

ARCHIVE- calendriers 2007/ almanac 2007

HTP!almanac on GLOBAL african experience from a Gwadeloupean-based association, ARCHIVE ( research association on history and culture for identity and verity in education). Yvan Voice, singer and chai...
Posted by aya on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 06:28:00 PST


http://diaspora.imani.frthis is the link to a 65 min doc on the 'black community'(!!!) in France...worth checkin...it is in...french!15min only available, dvd out in december.Well, LE DOC sur nous ic...
Posted by aya on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:16:00 PST


voilà c'est la rentrée, pas forcément inspirée...Nos programmes recommencent, les miens avec, toujours en train de chercher une forme, LA forme à mon émission...tellement de choses à dire, mais je doi...
Posted by aya on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 04:03:00 PST

Oumou chante...

la situation des femmes et du mariage....la nôtre en particulier, les Farafina Muso et ça m'inspire....s'asseoir dans 'la pirogue du mariage', sans qu'elle ne tangue!!!plus, plus tard, si plus d'inspi...
Posted by aya on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 01:27:00 PST

Baba Joseph 'CULTURE' Hill has travelled

May the Ancestors welcome him, and may he reaches this land of Sierra Leone so dear to him... His voice for me was the perfect manifestation of VIBRATION: so much love for Afrika, so much hidden thing...
Posted by aya on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 03:23:00 PST

la TRIBU KA, Kemi Seba

petite note rapide!le reste, mieux documente viendra ensuite,juste pour nous arrivions a ouvrir ENFIN les yeux dans notre cher et beau pays la France, qui fait des descentes musclees et entreprend une...
Posted by aya on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 09:57:00 PST


AFRICAN CONSCIENCESLavenir de lAfrique ne se trouvera pas seulement en Afrique mais partout où ses enfants ont été amenés de gré ou de force. De même que lavenir des enfants de la diaspora africaine n...
Posted by aya on Tue, 09 May 2006 03:51:00 PST


Paix et Lumière!je relaie une initiative bordelaise en ces temps où la 'mémoire' des noirs est d'actualité dans 'notre' pays. email en fin de post pour retours éventuels.AMAK ASSOCIATION POUR LA MAISO...
Posted by aya on Tue, 09 May 2006 03:44:00 PST