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About Me

I am still trying to figure how I ended up doing this whole radio thing. Don't get me wrong I love it, but I planned on becoming a doctor! I went to a magnet high school for people planning to become doctors. I have loved radio for a long time. In high school I called and annoyed the crap out of the Orlando DJs. It didn't take me long to figure out that my favorite station had street level studios and I could stand outside with food and they would let me in. I spent hours hanging out in the studio pulling carts and CDs for the DJs learning how things worked. Somehow, I still left for Asbury College (outside Lexington, KY) and majored in Pre-med and communications. It took me 2 years of college, a calculus class, a year of biology and a chemistry class to realize that the college radio station was a whole lot more fun than the lab. Imagine the call to my parents "Mom, Dad I am not going to be a doctor I am going to be a radio DJ. Oh yeah, while I am at it I have decided to drop out of college." I spent a year hanging out in Orlando interning at XL 106.7, sleeping a lot, working sometimes, and partying like a rockstar. I did go back to Asbury and finished college. I managed to actually walk with my class and finished in July 2002. About 3 weeks after finishing classes I had, had enough of producing an afternoon show on WLAP-AM (Lexington, KY) and commuting to Louisville on the weekends to anchor the overnight news on WHAS-AM. On 5 days notice, I moved to San Diego California to produce the morning show on Bob 99.3. After living in San Diego 16 months I got the midday/music director gig at Alice 107.7 and moved yet again. I love Little Rock! I just bought my first house where I live with my 2 cats Birdie and Parker. I am the oldest of 6 kids 4 girls and 2 boys....25 years separates me and the youngest!

AOL Instant Messanger: Aliceradio1077

My Interests

I am 26% White Trash.
.. The white trash in my blood will not keep me from becoming a doctor or a lawyer, but it will keep me from a good haircut and any sort of fashion sense. Take the
White Trash Test
@ FualiDotCom

I'd like to meet:

This is my most embarrassing on-air moment EVER! I was interviewing Tommy Lee with a studio full of people and the interview went south. Click play to listen.

So if radio doesn't work out....I was thinking I could replace Fergie in The Black Eyed Peas. Let me know what you think!

I am so proud that I live in Little Rock!! This is Little Rock police officer Sgt Hastings talking about what went on at the Little Rock zoo on Feb 21, 2006.

Some of the members of Saving Jane hung out in the Alice 107.7 studios on May 5th before the Peabody Rivertop Party this is Saving Jane playing "Girl Next Door."

Saving Jane played at the Arkansas State Fair Friday October 13th after their show they parked their trailer at a hotel in NLR when they woke up the next morning EVERYTHING WAS GONE. Through several crazy coincidence Saving Jane got everything back!!! I got to talk to Pat (Saving Jane's guitar player) about the wild story.

My interview with Chris Daughtry before his sold out show at Juanitas on April 2, 2007. Sorry I am so ADD and didn't come up with better questions I couldn't concentrate sitting across from that man! Can you blame me?!?!! There was SOO much to look at!

My Blog

Yep...I've got issues!!!

So today I was reading through my morning show prep and came across this list.  There Are 8 Types of Women With Serious Dating Hang-Ups   (CLEVELAND, OHIO) Some women find themselves in the...
Posted by Charlotte on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 09:29:00 PST

Funny Stuff

If Myspace Was Real Life .... Tila Tequila would know everyone in the whole world. You would struggle over the time it takes someone you like to crack your top 8. 19 year old boys wouldn't own shirts ...
Posted by Charlotte on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 08:39:00 PST