Central Arkansas RollerDerby
Central Arkansas Roller Derby (CARD) is an all female roller derby league originally formed from the Rock Hard Rollergirls in the summer of 2006. This league began skating in Jacksonville, Arkansas, but has since relocated to Little Rock and is now skating at the SKATE WORLD on Mabelvale Cut-Off (off Geyer Springs Rd). CARD is a non-profit organization and participates in many community activities and fundraisers, as well as making special appearances around the Little Rock area.
Central Arkansas RollerDerby
CARD currently has about 20 female skaters, several male and female referees, a trainer and a coach. There is one team in this league, the Rock-n-Renegades, but another team is currently under development. The Rock-n-Renegades recently completed their first home season and has scheduled a full line-up of bouts for the 2009-2010 season.Central Arkansas RollerDerby
Roller Derby is a contact sport and can be highly athletic. A helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and wrist guards are required for the playing of this sport. Team members are required to purchase this equipment, however, we do work with those who cannot afford the equipment and CARD does have some "loaner" equipment.Central Arkansas RollerDerby
Central Arkansas Roller Derby is always looking for new skaters, referees, sponsors and fans! If you are interested in joining, please contact us through myspace, regular email recruits at cearderby.com or by telephone 501-758-9269. Interested in sponsoring CARD? Contact [email protected] For fundraising information, contact [email protected] Buy t-shirts, buttons, stickers and other merchandise! Contact [email protected] For public relations or any other information, please contact [email protected]Central Arkansas RollerDerby
If you would like to join our fan list and be notified of our upcoming events, send an email to the address below with "subscribe" in the subject line. [email protected] of pics from our first season:> Myspace Comments | Myspace Graphics | Myspace Surveys