Im in Radio. I work for Alice 107.7 in Little Rock Ar. My mom calls at least once a day and asks when I'm going to get a real job. I just started to love this new thing called Pez. They make different dispensers with different heads you bend back to get the candy. Its a brand new invention so I doubt you have ever heard of it. I like the red flavor.
I own a motorcycle, Its a cruiser, not a crotch rocket. Its name is Lee Roy. Which creates awkward situations when I say I was out riding Lee Roy all day. I didn't really think it through when I named it.
Im into kicking back and watching movies and TV. Love people who can carry a conversation and have an opinion that clashes with mine, which tends to happen a lot.
Add me as a friend and say hello and listen to the show so I can reach my 11 listener goal.
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