Unknown Comics profile picture

Unknown Comics

The future of comics is Unknown

About Me

Unknown Comics, LLC is the first Midwest based Comic book company that will present the public with mostly original material. We are fast at work getting everything prepared to hit stands in Late 2006.

We are starting with 4 Original material titles and CKY the comic book. This is were you can come to learn all the latest on each of these books. Our official web site will also have this information posted on it, but is currently under construction.

The creative teams for our titles are as follows (any artist or writers who have web sites I will post in this profile.)


Cover art: Phil Hester, Andy Parks & Mike Adams

writer: Darrick Chen

pencils:Cristian Valdes Perez

inks:Shawn Ross

Colors:Robert Reichert

Strike Force: USA

Cover art: Al Rio & Mike Adams

writer:Aaron Stueve

pencils/inks: Gregg Paulson

Colors:Mike Adams


writer:M. Lowell Phillips

art:M2 Studios

CKY the Comic Book

Plots & Art: Josh Emerick

writers: Dave Mowery & Miek Larrimore

Colors:Eric Kochanski

Letters: Dave Rother

Tales of the Unknown Universe

Anthology titles multiple creators in each title.

On Superstar you read right Phil Hester of Green Arrow and Nightwing fame will be penciling and inking the covers for the initial Super Star Mini-series.

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Unknown Comics is looking to create a solid foot hold in America's comic book community. We will be using this page as one of many ways to gather information on how we can better gear our product towards you the fans.

.. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .. From time to time we will add new material to the site or send out small mailers for survey feed back. Anyway who would like to be part of this process should not hesitate to contact us.

I'd like to meet:

The website is up, not all sections are up but information is there with some art make sure to stop by and take a look just hit the following link.. The Future of Comics is Unknown

Now all the fans we want ot meet can interact with us. Here is your chance to talk direct to all of our creators at Unknowns new Forum. Venture into the Unknown
We are starting try and get our name out there. We will keep each step of our progress open to you our public so you can always see where our next issue stands.

Issue one of Superstar nears completion as of right now, and we are getting ready to test the book in certain areas. If you think we should send a crew to your local comic shop with a few free issues (for a small group to get feed back) and free lunch. Send us a message and let us know.

Also as you can see we still have a couple of spots to fill on our initial creative time so if you think you have the talent to work in the industry drop us a line here or at [email protected] .


Hey all here it is the official CKY the Comic Pre- Sale! Now first I have to say sorry for the delay in getting all this information out to you and getting things under way. Let's start with why it is behind schedule simple, shipping problems. The US postal service wanted to charge us $5 per book to ship it and the packaging was of the book was an issue for them too. We finally found a way to keep shipping costs as low as possible $2 instead of $5 with an extra $1 for each book added onto the order. Now onto whats going on with the Comic it self. Josh is well on his way tearing into pages. he has been taking time out of his day job and away form his family to complete this labor of love for you fans. Eric K! is working on colors for the book now trying ot keep up with the mad man of an Artist that is Josh. Now the big question... why should I order now and pay for a book that isnt out as of yet? Simple the contest! In turn for ordering the book months before it is actually out everyone who orders will be entered into a special contest. Also I know your asking if you don't order now where and how can you get the book.. well once released CKY the Comic will be in Comic book shops, It WILL be carried in HOT TOPIC and from what we have been told it should be available at CKY events. Hurry and get over to the CKY Merchandise section now to get yours!

Anyone who ordered their Poster before July 14th 2006 is already entered into this contest. Every Pre-Sale book ordered will be considered an entry into the contest. Someone who orders 1 book will be entered once, 3 books will be considered three entries and so on. Entries will only be made for orders made between August 22nd and September 22nd. On October first the winners of the contest will be announced on the Unknown Comics web site. The winners will be e-mailed and arrangements for collection of their prize will be made. Any questions on anything that may not be clear on this contest please e-mail [email protected] with the subject of CKY the Comic Contest. Here is what you want to know though the Prizes! 1 Grand Prize winner will get a one of a kind 48" x 36" CKT the comic Poster signed by the creators of the comic and the original piece of art work used to create that poster. 3 Second Place winners will get a copy of CKY the Comic signed by the band themselves 4 Third place winner will receive a copy of a CKY CD signed by the band.

CKY Pre-Sale Orders! CKY the Comic order it now for $3.99 plus $2 shipping and handling. Each additional copy is only an extra $1 shipping. So you can't order it online? Go ahead an mail us a check and we will get you taken care of! Send $3.99 per comic you want plus $2.00 shipping for the first book and $1.00 each additional book (ie... 2 books would $7.98 + $3.00 shipping). Checks should be made out to Unknown Comics, LLC and mailed to 1067 Hampton Harbor, Schaumburg, IL 60193. Please include an e-mail address so we can let you know payment has been received. For orders mailed in the postmark date is what will be used for contest entry.

1 book $3.99 + $2.00 shipping 2 books $7.98 + $3.00 shipping 3 books $11.97 + $4.00 shipping 4 books $15.96 + $5.00 shipping


Stan Lee, Jerry Shuster, Joe Siegle, Bob Kane, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Todd McFarlane, Marc Silvestri, Whilce Portacio, Garth Ennis, Glen Fabry and many many many more men and women who have paved the way...

My Blog

Unknown Covers..

Here you guys go! Pencils for Tales of the Unknown Universe ..1 and ..3 penciled by Mario Wytch.and here is the covers to Strike Force ..2 A(bloodbath) and 2b (meltdown) I have the pencil covers for t...
Posted by Unknown Comics on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 10:20:00 PST

Unknown Contest

Ok Unknown is having our first contest, this one is for Artists!  Go to our website( www.unknown-comics.com ), check us out here and look through everything we have character wise. The pick one ...
Posted by Unknown Comics on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 09:56:00 PST

Wizard World Chicago

So yes it took me awhile to get this posted lol. Sorry we have been running around like crazy for the week leading to the con and the couple of weeks that followed. Just so everyone knows we had two b...
Posted by Unknown Comics on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 09:50:00 PST

Just Announced!! Bart Sears doing all six covers for the Guerra Mini Series!!!

Yes you read correctly The Bart Sears is handling the six covers for Guerra. He is designing all six to create one larger cover.. so you want to see it? Well here is the work in progress... more info ...
Posted by Unknown Comics on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 10:04:00 PST

CKY preview.

CKY the Comic is fast in production. The Script is finished Pencil and inks are well under way as is Coloring. The Letterer will have his hands on the first couple pages created tonight. Plot & Ar...
Posted by Unknown Comics on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 10:40:00 PST

Updates to Unknown.. Including some Huge News.

We are moving forward on all of our books nicely. Obviously as a new company we have hit a couple of snags along the road but nothing that we considered more then a minor hick-up. Updates on each book...
Posted by Unknown Comics on Wed, 31 May 2006 09:24:00 PST

Caelestis 10 page preview..

Here are pages 2-11 penceled and inked by Manuel Martin...
Posted by Unknown Comics on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 10:09:00 PST

New Anthology Penciler..

We would like to welcome Jeremiah Tamoro (Jimbo) to Unknown Comics. He will be starting with Duties on our Anthology book Tales of the Unknown Universe.
Posted by Unknown Comics on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 03:49:00 PST

Superstar .1 color sample

Here is page ..1 for Superstar ..1. Fully lettered and colored.. yes one word is blurred out. It should read Superhuman but our letterer got a little ahead of himself and used a word that starts with ...
Posted by Unknown Comics on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 07:54:00 PST

Unknown website updated.

Yep it sure is.. go and check it out www.unknown-comics.com
Posted by Unknown Comics on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 04:05:00 PST