music, art, rockin it hard, bass, Guitar Hero muthafucka!, movies, things that arent lame to me, things that interest me interest me, people are pretty neat, who reads this shit? cant you just ask me? lol i like when people ask, so send me a message...ive said lots of generic likes...of course i like some of those things...some other ones are unique...but i think some simple conversation will reveal far more interesting information than these little answer boxes...
Anyone with a divine interest in music, the arts, jello, plastic dinosaurs, real dinosaurs, ridiculousness, ones that dont get trashed all the time and like to watch movies or actually anyone who knows how to plan fun, i suck at coming up with ideas for things to do...konfuzion13 I'm a im always on...
Queens of the fucking Stone Age! Dethklok! haha, I like Static-X, Mofro, Jurassic 5, The Handsome Boy Modeling School, Mark Lanegan Band, Busdriver, System of a Down, Eve 6 hmm anything except country, that shit makes me cringe...
fight club, lilo and stitch, donnie darko, all the kevin smith adding some neat ones to the list..The Hole...not a porno this time i swear! hmmm i should have included Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Home Movies in the television section except i hate trying to trick Adult Swim into actually....PLAYING those i only watch my dvd sets...and THATS why they get to be in the movies section
Metalocalypse! dead like me (RIP)... Rome, Carnivale (RIP), i dont watch of lot of television....i cant get into any of the drama shows and especially all the shitty Reality television programming... is it weird that i like watching that How its Made show on discovery channel? hmmm mythbusters, adult swim stuff i watch on ye ol' intraweb. i seriously just quit trying to watch it on cartoon network, id rather pick what i want to watch...
choke, survivor, chuck palahniuk is the best writer... hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, i dont get to read a lot for myself lately, chuck klosterman wrote some neat stuff.
heroes are for suckers...