OVCE profile picture


Turning Trash into Treasure.

About Me

Ohio Valley Creative Energy is a non-profit, 501(c)3 charitable organization that is developing a heat-intensive art studio facility for clay, glass, and metal, where all equipment (glass furnaces,g. holes, annealers, kilns, forgers, and foundry) wil be powered my landfill gas, or methane at the Clark-Floyd Landfill in Southern Indiana.WWW.OHIOVALLEYCREATIVENERGY.ORG

My Interests

Heat Intensive art media like glass, clay, and metal, reducing global-warming, methane emissions, and consumption... Our goal is to inspire everyone to reconsider the way they live thier daily lives and to practice a more socially responsible, sustainable way of life.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that would like to learn more about our mission or become involved in our developing project. We like People that have a passion for the arts, a concern for our environment, and the desire to make a difference in our community.


UltraPulverize, Bryan Scary and The Shredding Tears, Tim Seely, and any musicians that would like to play a benefit for OVCE.


Inconvenient Truth. Fast Food Nation. Killowatt OUrs.