Hallie DeCatherine profile picture

Hallie DeCatherine

I'm turning over a new leaf, because I found a spider under my old one.

About Me

Sometimes, I do things that are productive....

Visit my website: www.halliejones.com

Photo credit goes to Aron Conaway for many of the pictures on my website and also on this myspace page.

(excluding the photos in the "photography" section, of course)

My Interests

I make things. Visit my website: www.halliejones.com

I'd like to meet:

You, but only on the astral plane. Bodies are lame.


Favs: IDM, Cliq Hop, Electronica, Electro Clash, Experimental, Hip Hop, 80's Pop (yes, 80's pop), Electro Punk, Drum n' Bass, Booty House, Ghetto Tech

Likes: Old Country, Bluegrass, Punk, Indy

I like to listen to Queen when I'm sad. Freddy Mercury rules!

Images from my installation "Civilization is Malignant". View the gallery here: Civilization is Malignant Photo Gallery

Cross Culture, Mixed Media on Canvas, 2006

Photo Gallery of a Bush Protest in Louisville KY

Same, Mixed Media on Canvas, 2004

Body Solutions, Mixed Media on Canvas, 2004

Holy Consumerism....Or Consuming Holiness?, Mixed Media on Panel, 2004


My life is my favorite movie.

Check out my video! "STD's" was created for an art show in 2004. Thanks to Aron for running the camera....

This video is documentation of "As the World Turns", a sculptural installation, performance, and 5-channel video art installation that Aron and I created in 2004. The show was at Swanson-Reed Contemporary Gallery in Louisville. You can see more of mine and Aron's collaborative work here: http://www.shoot-the-messenger.net


NO. Television ends your life.

I like street art, and taking photos of it.


Bluebeard by Kurt Vonnegut. Read it.Also try these others....http://www.americabeyondcapitalism.com/........... ............................................................ ............................http://www.george-orwell.org/Dow n_and_Out_in_Paris_and_London/.............................. ................................http://www.villagebooks-mtsh asta.com/perpowthroug.html.................................. ............................


Light, particles, water, earth, energy.....

My Blog


Lately, I have been experiencing very disturbing nightmares. The one I had last night, in particular, has really got me feeling down today. I am edgy, feeling slightly depressed, and my level of anx...
Posted by Hallie DeCatherine on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 10:22:00 PST

Shotgun Fest Poster

I just finished the design for this year's Shotgun Fest poster.Ya'll should go to the festival. Its gonna be dope. Fer real, fer real....
Posted by Hallie DeCatherine on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 11:48:00 PST

I want a Roo.

I want a roo. They are so cute. I like it that they hop. Their bodies are so awkward, with those huge hind legs, big ol' feet, and long tails.... pouches, cute little deer-like faces, those pointy ...
Posted by Hallie DeCatherine on Thu, 29 May 2008 11:35:00 PST

Street Harassment - article, studies, websites.....

A friend just forwarded this to me.Thanks Marty!Hello Hallie,A friend just posted this story on her blog and I remembered that you had been trying to bring attention to this kind of behavior. You may ...
Posted by Hallie DeCatherine on Wed, 14 May 2008 10:50:00 PST

Just when I thought I’d seen it all..... 1984 is eternal

"authentic illusions" that give you a sense of "freedom".1984 is upon us, people, and I think its eternal.From their site..........." PRODUCTS - SkyCeilingsTM and Luminous Virtual WindowsTM are authen...
Posted by Hallie DeCatherine on Fri, 09 May 2008 12:17:00 PST

How do you waste time on the net?

I'm doing a little research to learn how and where people waste their time on the internet.What websites, message boards, blogs, video streaming sites, etc..... do you frequent?Where do you turn for y...
Posted by Hallie DeCatherine on Mon, 05 May 2008 02:30:00 PST

Women - please participate in my survey!!!!

I am conducting a survey on sexual harassment.Please vote by going to my blog "4th Street is Live!"http://4thstreetislive.blogspot.com/Thanks!!!!
Posted by Hallie DeCatherine on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 01:10:00 PST

UPDATE - chronic sexual harassment of women by Metro Louisville employees

Here is the response I got from the city, and my reply back to them.... for anyone who cares. Subject: Sexual harrassment Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 12:38:13 -0400 From: William.Hornig@louisville...
Posted by Hallie DeCatherine on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 12:25:00 PST

chronic sexual harassment of women by Metro Louisville employees

Complaint I submitted to Metro Louisville today......I was cycling to work today. While heading down Broadway, between 2nd and 4th, a Metro vehicle (truck) with two male employees was driving alongsi...
Posted by Hallie DeCatherine on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 12:03:00 PST

Bills arrangements

* Please re-post! We need to spread the word about people showing up for the after-service at Lisa's. *Mr. Bill Christy, 1943 - 2008Bill's ArrangementsBosse Funeral Home1355 Ellison Avenue (at corner ...
Posted by Hallie DeCatherine on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 09:40:00 PST