I love life so I have a wide range of interests. I'm always interesting in learning new things that are about building, loving and serving, making planet earth a better place to live.
People that are genuinely funny, photograhers and models. I like people to look me in the eye when talking to me. I'd like to meet people that can talk with a flow, that live a clean life so they can talk from their hearts. I like to meet people that are comfortable in their skin no matter what size, age or color they are. I always appreciate people that are evolved spirits that shine from their eyes, meeting them is always a gift to me. I like people that give a genuine hug or handshake. I like to meet people that are genuinely kind.
I enjoy all kinds of music. I love the old 1960s Motown sounds. I love to listen to a harp or flute.
I do not enjoy going to a movie theater and watching a movie. I'm usually disappointed and feel I have wasted my time. On rare occation I will go see a movie (My family has to drag me there). I like to create my own life. I live in Houston where there is terrible violence everywhere. I will not pay money to see violence at a movie theater.
T.V. Time is VERY limited. If and when I watch TV it's been the biography channel.
I love books on spirituality, fitness, traveling, photography, supernatural, and how to improve this earth.
My hero is a person that has compassion in their heart, radiates love and kindness, and understand the main TRUTH in life- and that TRUTH is to love, respect, and help others as they go through their life journey's.