I'm creative, inquisitive, and extremely perceptive and utlimately interested in surviving death conscious and not due to a belief in cryogenics or religion. Love physics, parapsychology, haz mat, environmental issues, archeology, geology, biology, all creative fields, especially art-music and film.
Curious, creative, intelligent, dynamic, artistic, and unusual, beings.
Love music and the creation of...
...a good laugh, except the corporate news which is black humor of the darkest variety.
Kurt Vonnegut, Hunter S. Thompson, Colin Wilson, Graham Hancock, Ingo Swann, Lyall Watson, Richard Dawkins, Carl Jung, George Orwell, JRR Tolkien, Mark Twain, Algernon Blackwood, Carlos Castaneda, Michael Talbot, Andrija Puharich, John Blofeld, John Steinbeck, Edgar Alan Poe, Jack Kerouac and thousands more.
William Brown, Neil Young, Free Leonard Peltier.