amphetamine virus, anime, art, asswell, b donkadonk, bad cyberpunk flicks, bang bang, beavis and butthead, bitches, biting, bjork, brak, brap, built for pleasure, buttcakes, candy, cartoons, cheap and evil girls, cheese, chupacabras, cogs, comics, concerts, cookies, corn dogs, corsets, cowbell, curmudgeons, dancing, dark industry, daystars, dead parrots, dinosaurs, drawing, drunk guys, eating babies, elegant gothic lolita, evil ribbons, excercyst, fashion, gamers, gargoyles, ghettoblasting, gir, glass, goofball, goth, grendel, hoopla, hospital food, hospitals, industrial, informätik, invader zim, japan, jhonen vasquez, jimmy urine, jthm, lechery, lenore, madness, making boys blush, making boys cry, manhandling, manual insertion, michael manning, milk, mindless self indulgence, mineke, money, moon crickets, more cowbell, movies, my ass, my friends, my sewing machine, nin, ninjas, official midgets, panty shots, perversion, pii, pirates, poetry, post-apocalyptic movies, potatoes, princess leia, pvc, random, ready for love, respirators, rivetheads, robert tritthardt, rollercoasters, satisfaction, scabs, scaring people, scars, schwartz, screaming, seattle, seattle gothic, seattle industrial, sewing, shiny things, short girls, skinny puppy, skullduggery, snarf, sprocket shakes, sprockets, squirming, stomping, straight pretty-boys, strange songs, sugar, suicide commando, super whitey, sweet torture, switchblade symphony, tall boys, tattoos, tau factor, the mercury, thing, vampire lisps, video games, wackadoo, weeeee, wrestling, writhe and shine, wumpscut, zombies
I'd like to meet:
Kindred meat-heads.
Alternative, Blues, Classical, Gothic/Industrial, Opera, Punk, Instrumental, Soundtracks
The mind-numbing kind (so, pretty much everything)
Children's fiction