Miss Mia Vixen profile picture

Miss Mia Vixen

Burlesque's Golden Girl!

About Me

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Click the image to get to www.rockthecoffin.com
I'm always a vixen, but on stage, I'm Miss Mia Vixen. My passion in life is my sexuality and finding ways to express myself through my sexuality. I finally have found my true calling...burlesque. What is it? I'm a stripteaser and a feminist. It's an art, and it's my calling. It takes MANY hours to create one number. I'll sit in one spot until my neck and back are burning from bending over my costuming. Don't get me wrong though, I adore doing it! I enjoy spending my time rhinestoning bras, adding beaded or lace trims to panties, designing an entire costume, making feather fans, thinking up great acts, and finding inspiration in strange places. For example, browsing through fabric stores and letting my imagination run wild; thinking up entire acts just by running my palms and fingers over dozens of materials. Or, listening to the old 40's music on an AM radio station. When I hear a song that sends tingles up my spine, I know I'm on to something new. I end up feeling like an idiot making faces at myself, in the mirror, as I dance around the room, playing the same song dozens of times until I can get it just right. Although, the end result is so worth it. I spend so much time with my acts, just for a few minutes of glory on the stage. I live for those moments. I love feeling the heat of the stage lights on my face as I wait for my music to begin, perfectly posed on satin pillows, just like all the Varga girls I adore. The best way to keep new ideas coming is from watching all the other wonderful burlesque performers. I have made a few friends through this game, and they have all been such a wonderful gift. I am also a pinup model and have a website being put together for my burlesque and pinup. Don't you just love that old Hollywood glamour of classic style pin-ups? I have posted a few examples of some of the pinups I have been working on in my photo section. More to come as I do them.
You're Lili St. Cyr!
What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!

My Interests

Burlesque shows, ballet, queer bars, making new costumes and routines, kissing my girlfriend a thousand times all over her pouty lil face when we first wake up in the morning, hanging out with my friends in LA and SD; meeting new, non-pyschotic people, meeting other pinups and burlesque performers, spoiling the people I love, having dinner with my parents, shopping with my Mom, and strolling my children (my three Abyssinian cats) around the neighborhood and at the beach in their kitty stroller.

I'd like to meet:

Burlesque performers and those that love them, pinup gals, fans of pinup, artists, photographers, MUAs and hair stylists for photo shoots, other lesbians and anyone planning on attending the Dinah Shore Weekend in Palm Springs.Who I am not interested in meeting: anyone under the age of 18, unless I know you, or I think you are an exception to the rule. I do not have time to deal with immaturity, sorry kids! Men with false hopes of dating me. I am GAY and very taken. I have no interest in having any kind of relationship with a man other than friendship.


Elena!!! I'm really into Hobo Jazz right now, and they have such great stage personalities! Gregory Page (local SD musician). Love music from the 1930's-1950's. Old Jazz and blues. Alica Champion, Danielle LoPresti, Ani Difranco, Melissa Ferrick, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Raveonettes (I use their "Love in a Trashcan" for my trashcan lid fan dance routine), Teagan and Sara, The Killers, Bob Marley, Sublime, Joan Jett, Melissa Ethridge, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Korn, and Tool


All time favorite-Gone With the Wind, Romeo and Juliet (the one directed by Baz Lurhman), Marilyn flicks, and E and I do an "Old Hollywood Movie Night".


HBO and Showtime- The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Weeds, and of course, The L Word


Right now...anything and everything burlesque! Love learning about it's very rich, long history! Burlesque may be construed as many things, but I love learning about the REAL story, the real down and dirty inside scoop, and all it's colorful characters from the past and present. As for any other books, I always find myself reading about stories of women empowerment. One of my personal favorites is The Red Tent and Memoirs of a Geisha.


Which Silver Screen Siren are you?
brought to you by QuizillaMarilyn Monroe, Dita von Teese, Catherine D'lish, Kitten DeVille; my instructor in burlesque, Bella Beretta; and my girlfriend, Elena, for always giving me inspiration and endless love. The photo below is of Elena helping me get ready for a photo shoot in Las Vegas for Twirlygirl Pasties. My girlfriend is the rockin'est girl I know.

My Blog

Dear god

I keep playing this song from XTC over and over in my head.  It really touches my heart and it speaks volumes about the way I feel.  There's just so much confusion and doubt in the world lat...
Posted by Miss Mia Vixen on Thu, 03 May 2007 02:32:00 PST

My Seattle burlesque debut

My alarm is set to go off at 4:30am (a half hour from now).  A few hours ago, I gave up hope on getting some sleep before I leave so I have decided to just stay up until I finally get o...
Posted by Miss Mia Vixen on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 04:00:00 PST

Taking my craft to the next level

I have been performing burlesque now for almost 2 years.  The only formal dance training I have ever had was tap at age 3, which only lasted for a few months.  I know how it sounds.&nbs...
Posted by Miss Mia Vixen on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 01:05:00 PST

Have a slice of my cheesecake

Indulge in your daily dose of cheesecake.  Pinup girls, that is!  I am currently in an online cheesecake contest, and if you would like to go check out the 25 lovely contestants, please go h...
Posted by Miss Mia Vixen on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 02:54:00 PST

Viva Las Vegas Burlesque Competition - April 15, 2006

If you're going to be at Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Reunion this weekend, please come on over to the burlesque competition on Sat night, April 15, @ 10pm.  I, along with 5 other burlesque bea...
Posted by Miss Mia Vixen on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 08:10:00 PST

See me perform @ Java's Bachelor Pad Cocktails & Cheesecake Party

If you will be at Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Reunion Weekender, then come see me perform tomorrow night, Friday, April 14, at the Java's Bachelor Pad Cocktails & Cheesecake party.  I will...
Posted by Miss Mia Vixen on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 08:45:00 PST

The winner of my give-away is...

*UPDATE* I counted up each and every vote for me for pinupsfortroops, and dropped all the names into a hat, shook vigorously, and had a friend draw a name.  The winner is....ARIEL!  Congrat...
Posted by Miss Mia Vixen on Wed, 04 Jan 2006 08:45:00 PST

Pinups for Troops Centerfold Contest

The final 12 out of over 90 photo submissions were chosen for the centerfold contest to be publicated in the Pinups For Troops book.  I am in that final 12!  The book being published wi...
Posted by Miss Mia Vixen on Wed, 04 Jan 2006 08:09:00 PST

Java's Bachelor Pad Cheesecake Contest

I am an official contestant in the latest edition of Java's Bachelor Pad Cheesecake Contest.  My first ever pinup contest!  Voting started on December 1st and the polls close on Decembe...
Posted by Miss Mia Vixen on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 08:25:00 PST

My new baby

<center><img src="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a284/diosacj/DeviRudd ygirl15wks.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com"><br><br><img src="http://i13.photobucket.com/a...
Posted by Miss Mia Vixen on Tue, 18 Oct 2005 02:49:00 PST