Tyher profile picture


Tyher and latex go together like rope and knots.

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator I created this site to network with models and fellow photographers. So please if you ask for a friend request and I deny you it is NOTHING personal. I want to be able to keep easy tabs on the works of those in my field. Please enjoy my images and my work just the same!With that said... I'm an accomplished fetish photographer in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am always looking for female models to pose for my edgy yet elegant images.I want to thank all the outstanding models I have worked with over the several years that have made creating my images a joy and very rewarding. You know who you are!
Fetishcon bound every year! August Tampa.I also travel now and then so hit me up if you are a model and let me know you are interested.
Note to the unbelievable number of guys messaging me looking for dates, or adding me as a friend. The images on my port are not of me, but photos of female models I've taken. I'm a straight guy. Get it?I do appear on one photo with the model if you want to know what I look like. :)Below are my two online portfolio sites:
Tyher OMP
Tyher Model Mayhem

My Interests

Photography, fetish, star gazing, astronomy, beaches, rigger, boating, jet ski, watching good movies, tropical islands.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet friends, models, photographers, cool people with similar likes. My dream would be to meet and be with that special woman to enjoy the wonders of bdsm with.


The Matrix, Pulp Fiction, 9 1/2 weeks, The Secretary, Lost in Translation, Office Space, Night of the Living Dead, Dr Stranglelove. Girl in 3D, Kill Bill I, Wrong Turn, House of 1000's Corpses, Kubrick , Hitchcocks, B movies - plan 9 from outer space, creeping terror, Seven, Cube, 2001, THX-1138, Lolita, Unfaithful, Patton, Sin City, Dark City.


Sci-fi channel, Discovery, MXC, Futurama, Simpsons, the OLD twilight zone and outer limits show (the new series are awful), America's Funniest Video (love watching idiots do stupid things ... must not interfer with natural selection), the movie channels.


I used to read extensively, favorites that come to mind, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Gor series, The Destroyer series, waiting for godot, Gabriel's Game.