Beautiful sunsets, blue skies, endless summers, warm rain, wild flowers, coconut trees, ocean, white sandy beaches, jungles, water falls, stars, moon, sun, mornings, smiling faces, happy/inspiring people, rainbows, sunny days, water sports, tropical fruits, the tropics, family gatherings, celebrations, determination, strength, courage, mysteries, leadership, ambition, hopes, wishes, dreams, imagination, creativity, ideas, concepts, conventional/non-conventional, originality, flexibility, depth, excitement, challenges, healing, nurturing, forgiveness, fireworks, award ceremonies, achievements, applause, humanity, animals, babies, compassion, sensitivity, support groups/team members, networking, marketing, sales, humor, laughters, animated discussions, praise, recognition, arts, crafts, nature, balloons, writing, journals, meeting people from all cultures, heritage/traditions, BBQ's, casual dining, dancing, modesty, simplicity, expressions, romance, love notes, PEACE, unity, truth/honesty, friendships, youth, wisdom, concerts, parks, parades, carnivals, explorations, adventure, travelling, success, sensitivity, tigers, music, stuffed animals, coloring books, crayons, reading, curiosity, restless energy, changes, self-development, enthusiasm, optimism, honor, devotion, loyalty, spirituality/religion, gratitude, seclusion, tranquility, good cheer, sensuality, new beginnings and....I prefer to sweat than shiver! -lol- And LOVE!
Individuals that want to help create a better world. One moment at a time, one person at a time, one friend at a time. Though, I will never reject or ignore anyone's invitation for friendship because I will always look for the good in all people - as with all things. *OK - I admit, it may take me a bit more time to find the good in some of you folks moreso, than others - lol.
R&B, Old School, Classic Rock, Reggae, Hawaiian/Island Music, Hip-Hop and Jazz. I am flexible with most types of music and at times, I even amaze myself and would listen to that 'loud' music my children listen to. I think, it's called - Rap/Hard Rock. lol
Drama, Romance, Action/Suspense, and all those children's fairy tale movies: Cinderalla, Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs, Beauty & The Beast, Bambi, etc. some of us never grow-up! lol
Don't watch much TV though will watch a good movie (without commercials) from time-to-time. *I'm a sucker for those teary-eye movies that hits the heart - sometimes really hard!
Love books though, life has been a bit challenging & demanding that I have not truly had a chance to sit-down and read a good book. So any suggestions in this area, would be most helpful. *And-someday, I hope to write a book about my family and life experiences if only to be shared with my immediate family members.
My heroes will always be all the "ordinary people doing extraordinary things in life!"