Interests? They're so many!!!! Well, I'll try to list some of them: travels, cinema, tennis, fencing (now only watching it, but when I was a little child I also practiced it), swimming, watching/listening to the sea in winter (unfortunately I live near the mountains so I can't do it often enough), cinema, theatre (going to the theatre and acting in a theatre - oh, yes, I'm a theatre actor), reading, listening to the music, watching TV (especially American TV series), writing in my blog (if you understand some Italian you can visit my other blog here ) and leaving comments in my friends' blogs. And of course, spending a lot of time with my beloved - when I have one - hugging and kissing each other in front of the fireplace - I kind of like being made a fuss of :-) - and... Oh, aren't these questions a little boring?
I'd like to meet... people. I mean, I'm only interested in knowing guys and girls who are nice, open-minded, tolerant, intelligent, easy-going, peaceful; people I can talk with and who can teach me things that I don't know. I'm writing too much, aren't I?
Almost any kind of music, from opera to disco music. Among my favourite groups/singers I can list: U2, Madonna, Elisa , Rufus Wainwright, Carmen Consoli , Enya, Cranberries, Planet Funk , Subsonica , Tori Amos, Alanis Morrissette, Dido, Moby, Coldplay, James Blunt, Tracy Chapman, Postal Service, The Cardigans, Kings of Convenience, The Ark, Zucchero , Giorgia , etc.
2001 A Space Odissey, Blade Runner, La finestra di fronte (Facing Windows/ The Window Opposite), Le fate ignoranti (His Secret Life), Il bagno turco (Steam - The Turkish Bath), The Piano, La vita è bella (Life is Beautiful), Orlando, American Beauty, 8 1/2, Matrix...
ER, Will&Grace, Queer As Folk (both UK and US), Ally McBeal, Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy, Six Feet Under, The O.C., Sex and the City, The "L" Word...
The Master and Margarita, The Lost Language of Cranes, The Line of Beauty, The Scarlet Letter, Written on the Body, Powerbook, Emily Dickinson's poems...
My parents, my supervisor (he travelled three hours to be present when I discussed my graduation thesis and then he went back to his parents' home: that night his father - who was very ill - died), all the people who suffered and died to defend human dignity...