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Full Service

It's a lifestyle

About Me



TAKEOVER in Atlanta, GA

"Alpine" Music Video

"BLUEBERRY FARM!" Add it to your profile and we'll give you a free copy of our upcoming acoustic EP, tentatively entitled "Minnows". Just copy and paste this code to your profile, alert us of your allegiance, and we'll put you on the list for the free EP:

"THE DIG" is now available on iTunes for download!
Click below to get it, dig?

FULL SERVICE and Director Curtis Pollock on ME-TV
Blueberry Farm interview

My Interests


Member Since: 10/11/2004
Band Website: fullservicemusic.com
Band Members:

Allen Iverson, Kevin Garnett, Donovan McNabb, Brian Dawkins, and Peyton Manning


Sounds Like:
The New Album

To make a Full Service:

2 cups of chopped tulips and azalias for island flavor

3 ounces of dirty socks for maximum funk

2 tablespoons of titanium

a dash of silk

3 bottles of lightning

4 quarts sea water

1 pound of temporary tattoos

1 heaping dollop of hammers and saws

bring to a simmer and add cornflakes for added crunch

Shake well, Serve Chilled.


The Austin Chronicle (July 31, 2008) by Austin Powell

"The target demographic for Full Service is pretty easy to pinpoint: alternatively inclined youths, aged 12-24, capable of getting down to both 311 and Snoop Dogg (see "Texas Platters," p.54). For the past month, the local jam band has tailgated alongside the 4:20-enthusiasts' joint tour, playing generator-powered, guerilla-style sets in the parking lot before each show. "Daily confrontation with police and security can get pretty stressful," relays guitarist/vocalist Bonesaw via e-mail. That's putting it mildly. The quartet was barred from setting up in Holmdel, N.J., and two members were arrested and held overnight in Brooklyn after being busted with a spliff that was supposedly confiscated by a parking-lot security guard and given to the band. It's a good thing the group brought along its own crew to document the trip (www.fullservicemusic.com). "Our website hits per day have tripled, and so all seems to be going according to plan!" says Bonesaw, who's handed out more than 1,200 demos to date. Full Service gears up for one last takeover Saturday at the sold-out Backyard (they're sitting out Sunday's show there), with an official homecoming at Flamingo Cantina on Friday."

The Austin American Statesman (August 1, 2008) by Joe Gross

"Full Service. There's a pop-craft side to them (think Beach Boys harmonies), a funk side (think many hours with Fishbone's and Chili Peppers' albums) and a whole lot of dreadlocks (you'll see). 9 p.m. Flamingo Cantina. 515 E. Sixth St. 494-9336." — J.G.

INsite Magazine by Sean Claes January 2008
If you haven’t discovered this band of brothers in Austin yet, here’s the deal with FULL SERVICE. They play music. Good music. They record albums. Many albums. Full lengths, EPs, Samplers, you name it. Think of it this way. . . owners of cars know that they need to change the oil every 3-4 months. That’s about the amount of time between Full Service releases. It’s like they are committed to changing their listeners musical oil every few months. I’d criticize them if they were coming out with generic rock. . . but these guys seem to bleed good music. The Dig is no exception. This eleven-song disc jumps genres and levels of seriousness, but at the core of it is the two-part harmony of the brothers Kepner (vocal/guitarist Bonesaw and vocal/drummer Hoagman). Songs like “Do It Again” and “Hi Ho” have a sound that is typical FS-fare – that reggae-infused mellow beachfront feel that seems to be at the core of the band. Of course, they layer a bit more of the rock on other tracks (their guitarist IS called Bonesaw, remember?). They channel Rage Against the Machine in the hardcore “Tasteless Gravy.” Classic metal seems to be the source for the sounds of “Blasted Lands” and “Subterranean.” A none-too concealed opinion of the war is contained on “Bombs Killed My Father.” Read: "Bombs killed my father/Grief killed my mother/Rage killed my brother/Cause bombs killed his lover" Check out this release. Better yet, head on out to the Flamingo Cantina on January 19th and catch their CD release show. If you hear this, you’ll want to own it, so you may as well buy it from the guys and shake their hands.

To put this banner on your profile just copy and paste this code &ltcenter&gt&lta href="http://www.fullservicemusic.com"&gt&ltimg src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a39/tdkepner/faces-web 2.gif"&gt&lt/a&gt&ltcenter&gt

Record Label: yeah right
Type of Label: None

My Blog

"The Pieta" featured on AustinSoundcheck mixtape

Well although WE haven't been able to get our song "The Pieta" out yet, it seems that Austin Soundcheck has managed to pirate an underground, unmastered and unreleased copy of the song (recorded durin...
Posted by Full Service on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 03:11:00 PST

Austin Chronicle feature on FULL SERVICE

Perhaps the critics are finally catching on to the FULL SERVICE TAKEOVER, though i'm not quite sure i agree that we're a 'jam band.' but ya get the idea. From today (Thurs July 31) in the Austin ...
Posted by Full Service on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 11:21:00 PST

Friday show recommended on Austin360.com / Statesman

From the Austin360.com / Austin American Statesman: Friday August 1, 2008 "Full Service. There's a pop-craft side to them (think Beach Boys harmonies), a funk side (think many hours with Fishbone's an...
Posted by Full Service on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 11:50:00 PST

Video Snippet from the Takeover in Atlanta

ya'll coming to the "This-Time-With-Permission" show at Flamingo Cantina this Friday?show starts at 9:30pm, we play at midnight. come at 9:30 though, the rest of the bands are shredders. ...
Posted by Full Service on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 04:51:00 PST

Apparently you CAN do a takeover in the rain...

the Takeover Tour continues to roll along, on our way to Atlanta right now in face and hoping that the rain in the forecast holds off for a few more hours. But at least we know now that we can, indeed...
Posted by Full Service on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 10:59:00 PST

Feature article by Austin.com!

Big feature article by Sarah Machi on the www.austin.com website. Here's a snip and a link to the full article: Local band launches guerilla concerting campaign outside 311/Snoop Dogg shows. "Being in...
Posted by Full Service on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 11:16:00 PST

Philly and Brooklyn TAKEOVER report...

LOTS of crazy stuff happened. . . Grab and cup o' tea and Takeover report! for all the inside intel! And to view the pictures from Brooklyn just added, click HERE. ...
Posted by Full Service on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 01:24:00 PST

Pictures from Philadelphia TAKEOVER 1

it was a huge success. . . more on that story soon, but here are some pictures of the rocking. FULL SERVICE PHILADELPHIA TAKEOVER July 15, 2008(link fixed!)...
Posted by Full Service on Wed, 16 Jul 2008 01:28:00 PST

Hoagman... Journalist?

Hoagman the Warrior Poet, Drummer, Singer and Dirty Basketball Player has pledged to maintain a thorough written account of all the ups and downs and arounds of this TAKEOVER TOUR operation. He just p...
Posted by Full Service on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 07:45:00 PST

New York, New York!

Before we knock this TAKEOVER TOUR outta the park we're starting off with a killer club date in ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />New York City this coming ...
Posted by Full Service on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 06:17:00 PST