angel amber anderson, You are the greatest person that i have ever met. I wouldnt change our friendship for the entire world. If I really think about it, I dont know how i survived the first 14 years of my life without you. its been almost 3 years now, and you've done more for me, been my shoulder to cry on, listened to my bullshit, smoked more ganjj with me,and made more memories with me than anyone. I truly love you with my whole entire heart, friendships like ours are one in a million. When i think about you graduating this year I get so sad. I dont know what i am going to do without you. But I will always, always, always, be here for you no matter what the fuck life decides to throw at us. <3 kynn
Right now we're singing together, i think we're singing Anna Molly. but its very hard to tell. well mainge, i love ya. i couldn't ask for a better frain. i cant believe we've made it this far!!!! usually people you meet in class are those you just say hi to once in a while. but u, HAIL nah. we don't just say hi, we get it. seriously though, u the best of all!!
Page Attack!
Angel is THE best friend I could ever ask for. Seriously.
We've known each other since 8th grade !!
Apparently I'm a tortilla chip
Shauner && Kabob BFFE!!!
We have fun together ^_^
of course I love the CRAPPPP outta her !!!
We'll be wiping each others asses in the nursing home :]