First off if you are going to send spam to our comments or email us about junk don't. We have met enough people who have left us enough crap for the rest of our lives. IF you are going to be a friend because you are a musician or you like our music COOL! Be a Friend!JD and the Bad Boys gets requests from Heavy metal to slow Blues. JD and the Bad Boys plays a great mix of Aluminum. It not to heavy but it does the job.JD and The Bad Boys will be the Official Band Madison Alabama for the Five Feathers Motor Cycle Rally (Friday Night Show), The Saturday Morning stop in Madison for the TRAIL OF TEARS Ceremonial Motor Cycle Ride for 2008. The will be Kicking of the Ceremonial Weekend at Hooters Bike Night on The Thursday Night.JD and The Bad Boys are the Official Band for the "Just showing Off car Show " for the "Toys for Tots" in November 2008 for the second year. Check out Jay Macks profile in our top friends for information on this event.The Headhunters MC of Decatur Alabama has contracted JD and The Bad Boys to be their Offical Band for their upcoming Bike and Car shows in 2008 and 2009
JD and The Bad Boys are curently working on their Summer tour into Florida, Kentucky, Tennesee, Alabama, Mississippi, and possibly Lousiana. The are currently booked for Several Bike events and are looking for more.
JD and The bad Boys will be releasing some of their own music besides the current songs such as Bo Didley/George Thoroughgood Medley, Laides You Look Soo FINE, Event Jam, and The Bad Boy Boogie. The songs will be released this summer are Cajun Midnight Picnic, What the Hell Happened?, and Under Construction and possibly a few more.Photos Taken at the Hooters Bike Night and The Trail of Tears Motor Cycle Rally 2007 were taken by Rodgers Photography. www.wrodgersphotography.comJD and The Bad Boys Headlined for The Five Feathers Motor Cycle Rally in Madison Alabama on Friday September 14th with their Friends The 4 Door Ramblers and Chronic Fury. It was a cool show. You should check out Chronic Fury's My space account. They are diffinitely an upcoming band with some Hard Rockin Music! They are in our top friends.September 15th 2007 Saturday Morning JD and The Bad Boys Played for an extimated 50,000 Motor Cycles and Riders coming through over a 3 hour Period. JD and The Bad Boys Rocked 3 hours straight non stop except for announcements and The Mayor of Madison's explaination of the Ride and his thank you to the people for their support speech.The newest Bad Boys bring vast styles of music to the table from Funk, RNB, Blues, Progressive Metal, Jazz and of course Rock. This is changing the way the Bad Boys have been in the past. JD and The Bad Boys now plays all styles of music from 5 Decades with JD's Edge.JD and The Bad Boys are endorsed by Randall Guitar amps, Eden Bass amplifiers, Dean Guitars, D Drum, and Solid NRG PA and Monitor speakers. They are currently changing over all their Rigs. Check out JD and The Bad Boys to see how great the sound of these products are.JD is playing 1- RM50B and 2- RM4 with a Mesa Boogie power amplifier attached. JD is using as of March 2008 2 RM4 rackmount units, 1 412NXT cabinet which he loves because of it's Mic eliminator and it's lightweight. It really helps with travel weight and load in and load out. The modules he currently is using are 2 - Ultra XL, 2 - SL+, 1 Tweed, 1 Black Face, 1 Modern, 1- JTM, 1 Don Donegan, 1 -XTC, with a G Major processor, and a Digitech GSP1101 rackmount processor. JD will be using 4 Randall 412NXT cabs soon. He currently uses an Original 1973 Crybaby and 1 Michael Angelo Distortion pedal. Most of the time he uses some reverb from his effects and he uses alittle delay on some songs. JD keeps it pretty Raw at this time.The new Eden Bass Rig slated for Summer of 2008 is a Eden Navigator with Eden 2 = 2X15" and 2-2X10" Cabs . Karlo and Chainsaw are looking forward to it.The New drumset is slated for the Summer of 2008 also. Covering 16 channels and only 2 of those channel will be for the elctronic drums. D Drum is the set JD and The Bad Boys are looking to put on stage. It will be 1 of a kind.
The New sound will be shaped over the next 6 months. JD is looking forward to the new fresh music the Bad Boys will be playing in the near future.
JD has a friend named George Howard who is a solo artist that comes out and plays with the band once in a while. JD and the Bad Boys has arranged some of George's original with George. You might see George Howard on the charts within the next year or so. He is currently writting more music then JD can Listen to. George is a real machine cranking out tunes. JD wants to hear some on the Radio soon? He got married to very good woman on August 4th 2007. He is also launching a solo career soon.The very cool thing about JD and the Bad Boys is every night they get requests for songs they have never played before as a band. JD and the Bad Boys will always perform those requests even if only 1 member knows the song. They will attempt it. You should come out and see JD and the Bad Boys play.JD would like to thank Lee Gates (Albert Collins' Cousin) for stoppin by and Charley "The Delta Blues Hog" Hayes for sitting in with us when he is in town and kickin it up on the stage with us. Tony Grady Bass pLayer from the Staple Singers, and Duane Watkins Blues Guitarist extrondinaire from Mississippi. The stage is always welcome all musicians who want to get up and Jam with us.We have many other friends. Geary Tucker from the 4 Door Ramblers, Freddy Faust, Nick, and Joe from the Blues Mercenaries, Big Dan Hall and Pat Patterson from the Black Cat Moan Band, Jimmy Baker from DV8 and Red Clay Addiction, Lance Smith from the Lance Smith Band, and Thad from The Crawlers, John Laird, Brandon Worthy, E from The Crossroad Band, Tim Gibbs (Toy Box Audio Recording Studio), Bill Stephens, Moose and Nathen from Hot Rod Otis, Tim (Bluesman) out in Scottsboro Alabama, Reggie Smith (on SAX) from UAH College in Huntsville, The Legendary Smokehouse (on Sax), Austin Baker from "Jus Cause", Bob Wlaters, Sam Guidry and Chris Hodges from The Bob Walters Band, Kathy on Bass and Vocals from Fubar, George Seaton fro Kaos, Jason "Hurricane" Humphress, CC AKA Matt Gruber, Jeremy Ezell from Chronic Fury, George Martin and Larry Johnson of Next Exit Band, VStar AKA Van Smith, Dewey Busrfield from Moontown Band, Lee from Peacemaker,and many other good friends that have made it out to Jam with us. We are looking forward to meeting more cool musicians in the future.JD and the Bad Boys play Blues and Classic Rock with an Edge.From Black Sabbath to Muddy Waters and All Points in Between (as Reverend Billy Gibbons would say). From Slow Blues with feeling to fast Rockin Dance music.JD and the Bad Boys "Your Good Times Party Band"
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