fellow junglist's,and beautiful women that make me feel warm and fuzzy. and people with free stuff to give me, really im serious. i need stuff.
drum and bass,breakbeats,2 step,the hum from my refridgerator and the squeak of my bedsprings! what!....check this mix ------- ""
ghost in the shell 1&2,ninja scroll,akira,shoalin drunkards,fist of the white lotus,fist of the north star,usual suspects,clockwork orange,taxi driver,scarface,boondock saints,reservoir dogs,pulp fiction,kill bill 1&2,one flew over the cukoo's nest,neverending story,spun,conaan the barbarian,the ring,lord of the rings,gleaming the cube,my private idaho,donnie darko,juice,better living through circuitry,up in smoke,requiem for a dream,full metal jacket,A.I.,thin red line,tron,short curcuit,bill and teds excelllent adventure,gummo,waking life,porn,five fighters from shoalin,revenge of the ninja,shawshank redemption,ash wing federation,transformers the movie,Pi,running man,It,the new texas chainsaw massacre,,.................................................. and whats that one with that guy.........umm you know hes got teeth and wears that shirt.theres a plot twist at the end,and still a happy ending. basically if its anime,old school kung-fu or just plain weirdness or cheesieness count me in.
smash your t.v. with a sledgehammer,and listen to some drum and bass instead.(except adult swim thats cool)
where the wild things are,huxley,karamazov,dante,choose your own adventure books,burroughs,shaksphere,hustler,robert jordan,piers anthony,every steven king book ever(seriously read em all),and more but i cant remember the authors....the internet. usually too busy tryin to spin to read. i do know how though,contrary to popular nyah nyah!
darth vader,anyone with the guts to pull the trigger,and whoever sends me free stuff.