INTERESTS- 10% lay away plan....05% if loaned...
panda...and probably strange snip-its of dress-up dollies...if i was anti-social???my civic rights would juxtapose everything i believe in...P.S. NO FREE ADVERTISEMENT OF ANY OF YOU IN MY COMMENTS...BUNCH O'LOSERS...
alot...i am not choy choy...i am not vudu...i am not emo...i am not electronica...i am not metal...i am not labels please..
an intelligent answer???movies that showcase a variety of answers to questions often asked by the curious viewer...movies that deal with cultural aspects and daily life different from the one we are accustomed to...movies that exemplify valuable moments caught on surreal circumstances and delivered in utmost brevity...movies that are not scared by social, moral, or religious taboo...movies that move... :)
billy and mandy, yume no ongakaku, tensai teribikun max
an eclectic choice of reading material if i have to say for myself...
my tamagotchi...